Episode-1156- Woman of Prepping Series Episode 5
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Lori Caraballo is the founder of “Prepper Chicks ~ Preparing for Survival From a Girl’s Point of View” She is also a wife and the mother of 5 great kids along with being a full time business woman and entrepreneur.
Today Lori joins us in our 5th installment of prepping from a woman’s point of view. We begin with what got her into into “hardcore prepping” and why she feels prepping is actually a very natural thing for a woman to want to do. We even discuss alternatives to feminine hygiene, not something most men want to talk about, but a real need of concern in a grid down situation.
We also discuss some of the unquire situations for women when it comes to self defense. Weapons training for women that acknowledges our phyical differences, or in Lori’s words, “drawing a gun with your boobs in the way”.
We then move on to how she has been able to sneak preparedness into your kids lives and talk to others about it without coming off like a tin foil hatter. We finish up with how she got her husband mostly on board.
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That explains John Spirko on the paypal receipt for MSB.
Jack , can we have a link Lori’s si
tes and radio show?
Click on the logo of the show in the description and it takes you to their site.
Uhhhh “Jack” is a common nickname for “John.”
Exactly but man people don’t get that. It isn’t really even a nickname essentially they are the same name, meaning Son of Thunder. Just like Juan and Ivan which are also the same name with different lingual roots.
So many people just can’t get this, I always say, do you remember how this country had a President named John F Kennedy? They are like yea, so I am like and you know how they always called him Jack, and most people either don’t know that, OR, they go, oh is that why they called him that. LOL
Great show, one minor item, the link to prepperchicks?
Ah, Nevermind, Call it “normalcy bias” I was looking for a URL, not the Oh here, click/hover over image, Grog now has to find ketchup for the egg on face and eating crow 🙂
So shift work disorder…
Sensitive subject for me because I’ve nearly lost jobs because of it. I’ve been working in the underground mining industry for 16 years, and have NEVER been able to adapt. Right now I work a 20/10 schedule, 10 days, 10 nights, 10 off, 12 hour shifts, up at 3:30, drive to work, then change into mining gear at 4:40, shift starts at 5AM/PM. During the winter you may not even see sunlight for the stretch of day shifts. I am in pretty rough shape probably half the time, average about 7 hours of sleep (more or less doesn’t seem to matter), but am a zombie a lot of the time, to the point of falling asleep operating equipment. I have never been able to get a prescription for provigil/nuvigil, but I do know a lot of guys that claim it makes a big difference. I’ve done the whole melatonin/seraton/valerian root thing, lots of caffeine or no caffeine (I get better quality sleep but feel worse during the day with no caffeine), and never found a solution to keep me alert/awake. These drugs can be life savers literally when it comes to people on equipment.
Research into provigil, it is not chemically addictive, it is NOT speed/amphetamine, you can take it when you need it, and then not use it on days off when you don’t need it. It isn’t at all easy to get from Dr’s (at least not in MT/ID). I’ve taken it twice when I got a couple from a co-worker and for once I actually felt ALERT. Not high, not doped up, not Superman, but actually awake and felt good for a couple of days. I’d like to be able to feel good at work and not fear hurting/killing myself or someone else because of fatigue. Shift work sleep/fatigue problems are real and are a safety hazard, and just because you are able to do it without issues doesn’t mean that everyone is able to.
It’s not a new drug (provigil), been around since the early 80’s, originally developed for narcolepsy.
Provigil Isn’t a Magic Drug For the People That Actually Need It
Provigil: The Secret to Success?
The War on Sleep
See here is the thing it isn’t a DISORDER it is an unnatural way to exist.
The first time I heard you talk about this, Jack, I couldn’t help but think:
1) Living like that IS an unnatural way to exist.
2) Living that way (mainly sleeping during the day and working during the night) is a REALLY quick way to end up with adrenal fatigue. THAT is a real disorder.
I think you both are right, in a way. It is crazy that we call every difference a “disorder”. I think ADHD is similar in that it represents a somewhat different way of focusing/functioning with tasks. I was once a total skeptic, but for reasons I won’t go into here, I do think it “describes” a pattern that makes some people have more trouble coping with some aspects of life. I think we would all be better served though to deal with our strengths and weaknesses than to label some people normal and some “disordered”. Under the current pattern, by accepting a label you are eligible for help from institutions such as government and insurance companies.
Problem is that calling it a “disorder” is what makes the money move from the insurance companies, otherwise nothing happens….sad state of affairs. It also helps with bosses that are naturally awake at 3am and expect everyone to be like them.
@Mat –
I feel for you. The issue is labeling the health effects of an unnatural sleep schedule a ‘disorder’ (wikipedia: an ABNORMAL condition effecting the body of an organism).
Your body is acting NORMALLY given what its being put through.
I think Jack’s issue is that, as a society, we now try and medicate away the NORMAL effects of our behaviors, when we find those effects ‘inconvenient’.
Example: Children who would rather run around outside than sit quietly in a boring, sterile environment in straight rows without interacting with each other.. medicated into passivity.
You might want to check out this book:
I found some useful/helpful things in it when I was working an ‘unnatural’ schedule.
And of course I have to ask.. is there any way you can move to a new line of work? Even if the pay is good, if you’re a zombie your entire working life, I don’t know that its a good trade.
(all in IMO)
During Ike I was sheltered at my Grandparents homestead in very rural East Texas, it took myself and my neighbors a week to cut the trees off the road just to finally meet up with where the county boys were cutting so we could get to town , then we were another week without power from the grid and if you have a well that’s a big deal if you aren’t ready for it. All in all it was a pretty good time the first week was a lot of back breaking work clearing the roads but after that we just settled in an drank the 10 cases of beer I bought 2 days before it hit LOL
Thanks for all you do!
The quote she was looking for was: “You do not rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training.”
There is also a new illness that you will soon see called MTS, Multi-task-syndrome, The illness involves people who multi-task, the Dr’s or Pharm companies are saying they can no longer focus on one thing for more than a few seconds without jumping to thinking about something else they need to do…..Whats next?
Good show today. Enjoyable and entertaining. Lori did a great job talking about women and firearms and women’s issues. Things I had never considered.
I disagree with the comment about anti-hypertensive medications being addicting. They are not habit-forming and people stop taking them all of the time. Now pain medications, anti- depressives, and lots of other classes of drugs can be habit- forming.
I was thinking that too. ALTHOUGH, if a person is taking a diuretic (water pill) to control their blood pressure, that can be kind of tricky. When you stop taking them, you can have some rebound swelling that can be worse than whatever caused them to take the med in the first place. So then folks don’t want to quit taking them.
Personally, I’ve taken a blood pressure med off and on over the past two years. I’m working on my health, but I have to have the med too. Sometimes it’s a smaller dose. Sometimes it’s even none at all. And I never feel any withdrawl symptoms when my dose is cut (or eliminated.) Let me be clear though. Tinkering with this med is done with doctor’s supervision. I didn’t just decide, “Well, I don’t need this anymore so I’m going to play pharmacist.”
Now, with my particular blood pressure med, it also protects the lining of my blood vessels from the effects of my diabetes. Eliminating all my health issues doesn’t happen over night, so some meds are helpful in my circumstances. To be clear though, the meds weren’t my first try. I tried a lot of other things first to improve my health, and just eating low-carb/Paleo wasn’t cutting it. Now I have a lot of tools, and I know I’ll get to put some of them back in the attic when I’m done.
Lori, if you could please share what natural remedies you used to treat your knee pain. My wife is experiencing a similar situation, with a total knee replacement scheduled in a couple of months. Opioids make her a zombie and NSAIDs just upset her stomach or have little/no effect. Thanks.
Fun to listen to this lady! I’ll go check out her website. Thanks 🙂
If I may comment on the doc noting about a patient declining service, that’s not intended to be an argumentative statement. Sometimes it is used for liability purposes. You’d be surprised how many people refuse a treatment then blame the doc later for not forcing them to do it. It’s also just part of the communication. As a small animal vet, I am very unlikely to face a high $ lawsuit. But if someone has already told me they DONT want to do XYZ, I’m just a jerk if I keep trying to explain it again. I may mention it briefly again if I think it’s important, but I respect their wishes enough to try to communicate accordingly to things they have previously said.
It’s also helpful to me to know if someone said “your staff never told me to do XYZ” but the record notes the staff had offered it, then I know where our training is deficient (ie communication).
She makes me want to go slap some people 😉 Great interview, especially on helping women think of things they may have not thought of before.