
MSB Week in Review 009 — 12 Comments

  1. Man, that’s a shame about the chuffa. The idea of ease of cleaning/harvest was what was so attractive to me about what you were doing and why I kept asking about it. I guess I’ll have to rethink how how to supply my future horchata fixes.

  2. Also, you’re trying to grow your goose flock, have you changed your mind about not eating them or do you just want more layers?

  3. I’m just loving these videos. Thanks! But having to wait a week for the next one is torture. 😉

  4. I think you mentioned a source for legume tree seeds. Which one do you use and do you know of any that would have varieties food for pacific northwest? Thanks for everything you do!

  5. I would like to see the foundation you have built for the poly water tanks. I will be putting one in later in the year and would like to raise it up a few feet to develop some pressure.

    Thanks, the videos eliminate a lot of questions.

  6. Do you plant the trees at the top of the hugel mound? How is that possible when you have to typically dig a deep hole when planting a tree?

  7. I love these videos. I’m gonna be addicted to the PermaEthos video series. Please keep these up!