There is nothing wrong with jumping right in and listening to our new daily shows as we put them out. Yet many new listeners at first need a place to start, a way to understand the overall philosophy and get up to speed with The Survival Podcast and what we are really all about.
Here are 5 of our listeners all time favorite episodes to check out.
- Episode-69- Getting your spouse on board with survival planning
- Episode-224- The One Year Anniversary Show
- Episode-123- There is No Downside to the Survival Lifestyle
- Episode-223- The Core Mission of The Survival Podcast
- Episode-194 The Modern Survival Philosophy
- Episode-648- Reaching the Unreachable – Or Get the Commercial Free Download of the MP3 Only for Sharing with Others (right click and save as)
My favorite episodes are the “this is how do do _____” ones. Maybe we could put together a greatest hits list of episodes for that?
Is there a list anywhere of ALL of the episodes on one page? I just recently started listening, and iTunes only has the last 30 or so episodes!
Claire – i think you get that if you sign up for the MSB?
If you join the MSB you get access to all of the podcasts in mp3 format.
The podcasts on MSB are listed in blocks for you to download.
Episode 001 – 200
Hope this helps.
Ahh, good to know. Thanks Heather!
Hey Jack,
I was just trying to download this episode but the link for the episode with no commercials isn’t working.
Episode-648- Reaching the Unreachable – Or Get the Commercial Free Download of the MP3 Only for Sharing with Others (right click and save as)
I’m planning on doing so guerilla marketing this weekend since I’ll be out and about in this Garden State all weekend. 🙂
I turned three people on to this page in the last three weeks. Perhaps that should be a goal for us old timers. Turn one friend on to TSP per week or something like that.
Hey Jack, love the show. On a recent listener call in show you mentioned the two-part episode, zero to prepared in 90 days, Thought that would be a good addition to this list of show for new listeners. Out of all the episodes that you have made I think those two are 2 of the best to share with new People interested in prepping, And self-reliance.
[…] What internship are you talking about? I listen to a podcast that you are probably familiar with. The podcast is called The Survival Podcast and is hosted by a true patriot, not the government and medias version of a patriot, Jack Spirko. I have been listening to the podcast since early 2009 and it changed my life. If you have not listened before I strongly suggest you listen to three or four episodes. You can find a list of essential episodes here. […]
[…] What internship are you talking about? I listen to a podcast that you are probably familiar with. The podcast is called The Survival Podcast and is hosted by a true patriot (not the government and media’s version of a patriot), Jack Spirko. I have listened to the podcast since early 2009 and it changed my life. If you have not listened before, I strongly suggest you listen to three or four episodes. You can find a list of essential episodes here. […]
The link to the commercial free version of Episode 648 is broken, but the show can be found on the Internet Archive:
Episode 298 Starting the journey from grasshopper to ant would be an excellent addition to this section. It’s the first episode that made me get up stop making excuses and DO, not just sit back and listen.
New listener – only episode the basics for beginners one, loved the practical approach. You referenced the 72-hour bag episode and document packet episode. I’d like to listen but don’t know how to find them. Help! Do I need to join to access them?
Kat, there is a search bar on the top right side of the main site. You can search for “bug out bag” (in this case) or any other subject you are interested in.
I believe the episode you are referring to is
but Jack recently did a more basic version here
Both have good info. Hope this helps.
[…] by The Survival Podcast – much of what you read in the early life of this site is likely to be inspired from there, […]
Episode 648 (commercial Free) seems to have a broken link. Can you fix?
Hey everyone, I was just turned to this podcast and site and I’m very excited to start, but I’m not sure how. Where does one begin to learn where I should start from and how to I evaluate that? Any help would be much appreciated.
[…] Shows for New Listeners […]
Is there a show where you break down your anarchist views? I’m intrigued after listening to a few shows.
This might help
From a practical angle all the shows tagged the insurrection are useful for this concept…
I bet this could be updated. I’m sure you’ve revisited these subjects and expounded on them more, and you have many more excellent episodes to add to the list.