So you just found our show and want to know how to listen to it.  Great we have over 600 hours of on demand educational podcasts about all aspects of prepping waiting for you, additionally we publish a new show almost every week day (Monday – Friday).

However many people think you need an iPod or some type of MP3 player to listen to a podcast.  While you can and we are available in iTunes as well as the Zune Marketplace you don’t need anything excpet a computer with speakers to listen to the show.

Four Ways You Can Listen to Our Show

  • Use our embedded player – Every show is posted to our site with accompanying show notes.  Right below the title of the episode you will see a embedded player.  There is a black speaker button and a blue “play button” that has a white arrow on it.  All you have to do is click the play button and the show will begin to play for you.  If you don’t see the play button most likely the entry isn’t a show but a blog entry or a video entry.  If it is a show (shows titles usually start with the word “Episode”) and you still don’t see the player we suggest one of the other episodes below.
  • Play in Pop Up – Just below the player and right before the main show notes begin you will see the title in fine print along with some links just to the right of it.  One link will say “Play in Popup”.  Clicking that link will open a new window or tab (depending on your browser) and allow your browsers default player for mp3 files to play the episode for you.
  • Download Episodes to Your Hard Drive – Want to download episodes to your hard drive and save them or burn them to disks or put them on a generic MP3 Player?  No problem Just below the player and right before the main show notes begin you will see the title in fine print along with some links just to the right of it.  One link will say “Download”, right click on “Download” and select save as and save the file to your hard drive.  Make sure to note the location you save the file to.
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12 years ago


I tunes hasn’t downloaded an episode of The Survival Podcast since june 6th for me or a Five Minutes with Jack since the last Principles of Permaculture. I haven’t changed anything and it seems to only be these 2 podcasts. Do you know of any issues with itunes? Thanks and thanks for all you do.


Mike D
Mike D
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug

I was having the same problem I had to unsubscribe and re subscribe, shut down itunes and restart the computer.

11 years ago

If you want to use a non-apple program (or are running Linux), the RSS feed for the podcast is I’m currently using Amarok (Linux) to download the podcasts as they come out.

9 years ago

I’m a new listener and really enjoying the information provided. I spend a fair amount of time in the car commuting to and from work and I would love to be able to either download ALL of your shows/podcasts or at least browse an index of topics. I see that you have well over 1000 shows. I guess some people binge watch Netflix shows. I would like to binge listen to your podcasts.
Thank you,

Wise Finish
6 years ago

It would be great if you offered a mass download of your podcasts.

Also, your RSS feed is not a “full feed” so I can only load the most recent podcasts into my podcast client.  Can you offer a full feed please?  Contact me if you need help setting either of these things up.


6 years ago

What happened to the phone app?

5 years ago

It seems like many years ago I received a daily email with a link to the podcast.  Am I hallucinating or did you and if so why not anymore???

Jason B
Jason B
5 years ago

Perhaps I’m out of the loop, but it looks like on my 3 podcast apps the episodes only go back to 10/7/19.

Heard great things and I’d like to start from the beginning episodes if I can, anything I can do?


4 years ago


No RSS feed for TSP ? Those can be convenient. I may or may not get a new IPhone when my current one gets too old. In that case, RSS Feeds might be useful. I like to use rss feed plugins to keep track of new episodes for some podcasts as well because it’s hard to manage on my phone since I have so many different podcasts and I am not sure how to organize them by priority