Welcome Bryan Black to the TSP Expert Council
It gives me great pleasure to announce to the entire TSP Community that Bryan Black of ITS (Imminent Threat Solutions) has agreed to join our expert council at TSP. Bryan and his wife Kelly are close personal friends of the Spirko family and nothing makes me happier then when ITS and TSP can do something together.
Bryan as you might imagine is up for any questions about anything tactical from E&E, to tactical driving, to picking locks and escaping from zip ties and more.
Bryan founded ITS Tactical in 2009 with the help of brothers in the Naval Special Warfare Community. While never completing BUD/s and becoming a SEAL, he made it through the large hurdles of Hell Week and Pool Comp with Class 251.
After being rolled post Pool Comp in 251 from a torn hip flexor, he sustained a service ending Draeger Dive Injury in 2nd Phase with Class 254. Throughout his time in the Navy and his love of gear and the outdoors, the idea for ITS Tactical was born.
After leaving the service in ’06 and with the help of the GI Bill, Bryan picked up where he left off with his Associates degree in Computer Science and finished his Bachelor’s at the University of Texas in Communication Technology with a Journalism minor.
He is an incredible asset to the tactical community as a whole and now even more so than in the past for TSP in general. The only reason I waited this long to ask him to join was due to the massive time commitments and workload he currently has. When I explained how the system works though he was quick to say, “I am in!”.
Please everyone welcome Bryan and frankly the entire ITS team to the TSP Council as the awesome folks they are.
Remember you can call in your questions for all expert council members to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) When you call in for one of the expert council members you should email me right after your call at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with expert council call in the subject line. In the body of your email tell me that you just called in a question for the council and what number you called in from. I will then give the call priority when I screen calls.
Our Expert Council is Made Up of…
- Bryan Black – ITS Tactical – All Things Tactical, E&E, Lock Picking, etc.
- Frank Sharp Jr. – Fortress Defense Consultants – Weapons, Tactics and Security
- Darby Simpson – DarbySimpson.com – Livestock and Farm Management/ Homestead Consulting
- Ben Falk – Whole Systems Design – Permaculture (Specializing in North Eastern Climates)
- Paul Wheaton – Permies.com – Permaculture (Specializing in North Western Climates)
- Tim Glance – Old Grouch’s Military Surplus – Bug Out Vehicles, Military Surplus and Communications
- Stephen Harris – Solar1234 – All things Energy
- Chef Keith Snow – Harvest Eating – Cooking
Welcome aboard – look forward to your expertise on the Podcast!
Thanks Jake!
What happened to Joe Nobody?
Well he never gets in touch, I have to go though an intermediary to get to him, he isn’t involved in our community directly and the last two questions I sent to him I got no response on. I’ll have him on as a guest any day of the week he wants to be on but I just don’t seem him as engaged with the community. On the council I am not just looking for people that know stuff, I want people that are truly part of the TSP family.
Thanks for the kind words and warm welcome Jack, can’t wait to answer some questions and contribute to the TSP community. TSP has been a major source of inspiration for me, long before I started ITS and I look forward to giving back.
As much as I dislike the term “expert,” I do feel like I can share a lot and point people in the right direction if there’s something I can’t answer 🙂
Thanks again for the opportunity,
Welcome, Bryan!!
welcome Brian!!!!
Hell yea!! Welcome Bryan to the family!! Looking forward to listening to your answers…….
Welcome. Thank you for joining the TSP-EC and many thanks to Jack for bringing on another trusted entity with the ability to answer tactics, techniques and procedures based on your expertise and experiences in your military and civilian careers. If not to early to put you to work…do you recommend Travis Haley’s AK course or instruction (Mark McGrath on your Forum at http://itstactical.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1972-ak-47-questions/ ) ? My FWT while in uniform is stale and I want an updated suggestion from training. Thanks to both of you.
Welcome aboard Bryan!
I’m one of the people who left a question for Joe Nobody. I will make sure to call it back in for you Bryan.
Welcome aboard Bryan-actually I go back to the days when you and Jack bet 100 pushups for facebook likes and I am part of both of your communities. I didn’t see Jack do any pushups so not sure who’s pushups are better? I did love your zip tie escape video and teach that at my womens self defense classes-you were the first person I have seen teach that technique and that has HUGE VALUE. Look forward to hearing your answers on future podcasts.
Awesome, congrats Bryan. Jack, keep up the awesome work!
Jack, are you going to interview Bryan soon?
He has a standing open ended invitation for any time he wants. He has been on once already though http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/episode-750-bryan-black-on-the-top-10-tactical-skills-for-the-common-man
I’ve been wondering why ITS has not been on the expert panel sooner!!! Very cool website with lots of useful info!!
Welcome Bryan, looking forward to hearing from you on the podcast!
As a card carrying member of ITS I can say Bryan has a wealth of info that he shares regularly with all of us who are looking to learn!
Awesome Sauce. I need to get over to the blog more. I follow the YouTube channel pretty hard. Big Fan. Congrats Brian!