Episode-1271- Dr. Nate Story on Vertical Farming and Aquaponics
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Dr. Nate Storey is the co-founder, inventor, and CEO at Bright Agrotech, an innovative vertical farming start up on the high plains of Laramie, Wyoming. Nate and the Bright Agrotech team seek to empower commercial producers and home growers alike to grow a lot more nutritious produce with less space with their ZipGrow tower technology.
Dr. Storey earned his PhD. from the University of Wyoming in Agronomy researching aquaponic production and different creative live distribution models to help farmers live better. His research was in direct response to the many barriers there are to getting into farming and living well as a commercial producer today’s world.
Not only is the cost of land and equipment going through the roof, but also new farmers face substantial costs when harvesting and packaging their produce. A cost that Dr. Storey sought to dissolve with ZipGrow products. This technology allows the farmers to outsource the ha rvesting and packaging their crops to the consumers in turn giving the customer the freshest produce possible.
Join Us Today for a Discussion on Growing More in Less Space Including…
- What’s wrong with the current food system
- Why should we be growing some/most of our own food
- What exactly is aquaponics
- Why grow food vertically
- Are there any inexpensive ways to get into aquaponics
- What fish work best in aquaponics systems
- How small should as system be before it is too small
- What is zip grow and why is it cool
- How can packaging be eliminated from the food system
- Where can you learn more about aquaponic systems
Resources for today’s show…
- The Year 1271
- Join Our Forum
- 13Skills.com
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day)
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
- BrightAgrotech.com
- VerticalFoodBlog.com
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- Kerry Davis – Dark Angel Medical – Emergency Medicine and Life Saving Care
- Bryan Black – ITS Tactical – All Things Tactical, E&E, Lock Picking, etc.
- Frank Sharp Jr. – Fortress Defense Consultants – Weapons, Tactics and Security
- Darby Simpson – DarbySimpson.com – Livestock and Farm Management/ Homestead Consulting
- Ben Falk – Whole Systems Design – Permaculture (Specializing in North Eastern Climates)
- Paul Wheaton – Permies.com – Permaculture (Specializing in North Western Climates)
- Tim Glance – Old Grouch’s Military Surplus – Bug Out Vehicles, Military Surplus and Communications
- Stephen Harris – Solar1234 – All things Energy
- Chef Keith Snow – Harvest Eating – Cooking
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Been Follow Nates stuff for a long time… Best info on the net for grow food in the least amount of space out there.
This was a great episode. First because I’m interested in all that can be accomplished through Aquaculture.
But almost as important is this is a great example of a lifestyle business for most people. Most people wanting to start down the path of starting their own small business end up thinking they have to be an SEO consultant, graphic designer, or wordpress developer. Yes those are good skills to have for any business, but not everyone has to follow that consultant path.
There are options out there for people who want to be in physical products (and not importing from China). There are ways for people to stay in the field they chose for their technical education.
Me, as a mechanical engineer, my hamster wheel brain gets spinner when I listen to podcasts about systems like aquaculture, anything from Steven Harris, and anything to do with home energy efficiency, storing energy, heating, cooling, etc.
So I appreciate the dose of inspiration this close to the end of the year.
Not sure why but the bright agrotech site has been down for 2 days. Is it my computer or maybe too many TSPers visiting and we crashed it?
I accidentally hit dislike on your site, and it won’t let me undo it. Didnt mean to do that.
It really isn’t a big deal don’t worry about it.
WOW, great show. went right away to check out his web site. fell in love with his Spring’s ZipGrow system think it would be great for my location (small space, and dog won’t leave things alone) but wow a bit expensive, does he offer MSB discount? I would love to try it!
This epi was published about 5 wks before our Big Move. It’s 3 wks prior as I write this comment. A couple of weeks ago, I talked to the lady who is going to serve as our Realtor. When she saw my garden beds in the backyard, she said that they are going to be an asset – more and more people are wanting to garden.
Just wanted to share – and there I was a few months ago wondering if I should eradicate the beds to make it easier to sell the house. 🙂