Urban Design Permaculture Course is Now Full
We have sold the final seat at the Urban Permaculture Design course. I have taken down the sign up form to avoid any confusion. All in all we have 30 students and 2 helpers for this event, the largest we could allow on our relatively small property.
I am already planning the “Fun and Skills Event” for likely November. If there are specific skills or activities you would like to see at that event let me know. Largely the November event is planned to be more about food storage, cooking techniques, blade skills, primitive skills, and general homesteading type things. It will not be a “permaculture class” as we want to keep things diverse and cover all aspects of self sufficiency.
Again thanks to all who were willing to park on site for the duration of the event and avoid going in and out, this let us take 5 more students and was a huge help. Thanks also to all that are not taking your chicken home, due to some loses to the heat this will help us still be able to put up the number of birds we had earmarked for personal use and feed everyone great meals while they are here.
All registered students should really consider joining the Yahoo Email group and Facebook page in the document you signed up with. It will help you make connections before the event.