Update from Julie Behling on the Discount Problems
Yesterday Julie Behling did a great show with us on Essential Oils and offered a special discount. You can see the episode here
Julie Behling on Essential Oils
Anyway there have been problems with the discount code, Julie just sent me the following email.
“Hi Jack —
So sorry for any confusion with the coupon code! It allows for free shipping with the Essential Oil Survival Kit as well as the Mini Essential Oil Survival Kit. I will see if I can fix it. If anyone contacts you with issues, please tell them that if the coupon code doesn’t work for any reason, I will refund the shipping cost to them for the oil kits.
Thanks so much! Yesterday was my highest day for sales in the history of my business, and from the looks of it today will be even better!
In gratitude,
I may have spelled out the details of the discount wrong as I thought she mean all the oils. Listening to the end of the show I think I got it wrong and I apologize for that. Anyway it is a great offer and I am sure she will help anyone with any problems.
I just successfully completed my order. As bsteimel spotted there is a separate entry to get both books at the reduced price.
Here’s a link to the mini survival kit which is only $22.95, looks like a great way to get one’s feet wet so to speak.
Tried to order the mini survival and survival kits late on Friday afternoon. It said that it accecpted the coupon but then added on the shipping any way. Did not see this update until Saturday. If she offers a special again, let us know and I will try to order again. The shipping and handeling fees and tax on top of every thing else added up to more than I could do today. Thanks for the information though.
Thanks to Steelheart and bsteimel for the assistance. I attempted to order on 4/12 after hearing the interview, but was frustrated by the discount confusion and not having a contact on the website until after an order is placed. I ended up placing a smaller order than I originally intended tonight after I got back in town from the weekend. Excited to check out the books and product and hoping Julie can work through the growing pains with the order process.