Two Awesome New Benefits for the Members Brigade
I work really hard to keep the benefits of the Members Brigade as valuable as possible and I also work hard to continue to expand the benefits and keep adding value to the original program. Today I get to announce two really awesome new benefits.
First – Just in time for your spring orders of seed for the coming garden we now get 10% off all seed orders from The Victory Seed Company. The Victory Seed Company is a family operated organization working to preserve and protect open-pollinated, heirloom seeds by keeping them available to home gardeners.
Visit their web site at If you are part of the Members Brigade you will now find the discount code to get 10% off in the “Benefits” section of the Members Brigade.
Second – Jason Akers of The Self Sufficient Gardener Podcast has provided his eBook called “Planting Trees: The Low-Cost Easy Way” to the Members Brigade. Jason is an awesome gardener and does a really great podcast you can find at if you haven’t subscribed to his show you may want to as it is very insightful and loaded with practical information.
Now you can get his eBook for free if you are part of the Member’s Brigade. You will find his eBook on the “Download” section of the Members Brigade. Like all the eBooks it is in adobe PDF and is listed near the bottom of the download page.
I hope these new benefits show my continued commitment to continue to increase the value of he Members Support Brigade. I would also like to take a moment to thank all MSB members for your support. Thank you as well to everyone who has ever listened to the show and shared it with others. TSP would not be what it is today without such an amazing audience and community supporting it by listening to and sharing our message with others.
Just checked out the store…I must say that the selection pretty good. I will be buying from them shortly..
Just signed up for Jason’s podcast at Survival Gardener, great information great podcast as well.
oops sorry that’s the Self-sufficient Gardener