Episode-89- TSP Rewind – Raising Resilient Children in a World Full of Wusses
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Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes.
Today’s episode was originally and was originally Episode-1825- Raising Resilient Children in a World Full of Wusses and was first published on July 12th, 2016.
The following are the original show notes from that episode.
Today we discuss a subject near and dear to my heart, frankly the future of our nation and our world. I hear all the time today how our kids are tea cup kids, how they are soft, easily offended and incapable or getting though adversity.
Oh dear friends if only it were that limited. There are plenty of 20, 30 and even 40 year old people today that I can say the same about. Yet I will admit that in my experience as an employer, that something clearly went very wrong between the 1980’s and the 1990’s. There absolutely is a dramatic divide in the number of tea cups based on growing up in one of those two decades.
Translation if you were born after 1978 and are not a tea cup, go hug your parents around the neck right now and say thank you!
Today it has gone full on idiotic! It is far more that participation trophies, not keeping score in game, “everybody wins” and a refusal to discipline. Now we have young adults with safe spaces on college campuses at the very time they should have very belief challenged. Instead they are being protected from “micro-aggressions”, and having their college level work graded on a “curve” to make sure anyone who even tries passes.
But today will not be a rant session, I will absolutely not focus on the problem, or what can be done about the current generation as a whole. Instead I will stay inside your personal circle of influence, and focus on how to help your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc, grow up strong in a world full of wusses.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Emails On
- How we got here, many people meant well, many did not
- My 10 rules for raising resilient children
- Let them fail
- Challenge them
- Give them a system, teach them to “work it”
- Get their hands dirty
- Praise them for failing in the right context
- Encourage “next step thinking”
- Incentivize self directed learning
- Teach them to safely use “dangerous” things
- Put them in charge at times
- Teach them about self ownership
- The Bonus Rule – Everyone is great at something, find that for yourself
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1825
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- Ain’t No Man – The Avett Brothers
- Published Version at the PRI Blog – Looks like they deleted all the bitchy comments but one wuss came back to post again. LOL
- YouTube Stand Alone Video for Sharing the Original Episode
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council that can answer you questions. If you have a question send it to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with TSPC Epert in the subject line. Ask your question in one to two sentences so it is clear then provide any additional details. Make sure to tell me what council member the question is for. You Meet the Expert Council at this Link.
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