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6 years ago

I can relate so much to the purple bird poo. I have a mulberry on one side of my driveway and the wife and i compete for the parking spot on the opposite side every year. Loved the rewind. Keep up the great work.

Evelyn Mitchell
Evelyn Mitchell
6 years ago

Lambsquarters is very good raw too. It has a rich full quality, not real green tasting, more the quality of nuts or meat. But does not taste like meats, just the rich quality of it.



6 years ago

I liked this episode. It reminded me of my high school days studying field botany. Southern Michigan had a much better variety of plants than Sacramento does. And the book I was using included medicinal and Native American lore about many plants. I recognized almost all the plants you mentioned except for the rarer ones.

I also want to acknowledge the power in your verbal epiphany at the end of the episode. Yet there is a problem with it that you may run into with many people: The human story did not start on Earth. Now, there are a lot of routes for arriving at this understanding. But it is obtainable and is almost certainly true.

What this means in practical terms is that many people will be fascinated with experiences that are just beginning to become available on Earth and were part of earlier experiences they likely thought were lost or impossible to relive. This gives the technologists, especially with their graphic screens, internet connectivity and so forth, a lot of power over the average Earth person’s psyche. That similar technologies in the past have not led to very good experiences for many people has been largely forgotten.

The essence of freedom, then, is not so much a function of space, environment and control as it is of spiritual ability.

Your work has discovered many great lessons for Earth people. But the need for knowledge extends beyond that sphere and ultimately surpasses our current biological forms. I would be happy if people of Earth knew nothing more than what you are trying to teach them. But there are other forces at work pulling them away from your message. And so ultimately, the message we provide to those people must be stronger and more complete than the other messages they are getting from those other sources.