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Lee Duckett
Lee Duckett
7 years ago

Listening to the show. Cottonseed oil? That rang a bell. At one point, decades ago, I was researching a male alternative to The Pill. The Chinese had a supplement that drastically dropped the sperm count of the men who consumed it. You guessed it: cottonseed oil.

7 years ago

Wait. You were actually expecting competence at Tractor Supply? Man! You are an optimist!

Jon McGee
Jon McGee
7 years ago

This is a leftist polemic. Progressives are often surprised and disoriented by previously denied facts once they become undeniable. They also revel in euphemisms and other “newspeak”. Keith was a vegan which is a left wing ideological diet promoting animal rights. Now she uses “vegetarian” to indict all people following a meatless diet. I’m a vegetarian and have been since I was sixteen and embraced certain spiritual practices. I eat no starches, that’s right, no beans, no grains, no potatoes, ad nauseum. I don’t expect my diet choices to bring down the forces of evil, but I have enjoyed a lifetime of excellent health (I’m over 70) and I believe it aids my meditation. I’m not superior to meat eaters, merely different.

My vegetarian society in Los Angeles was seized in the late ’80’s by “ethical vegans” who turned the meeting into holier than thou lectures on progressive politics. Most folks like me quit the group, we came to socialize not dramatize. Once again I feel that progressives are usurping my bailiwick. Vegetarians have led virtually all surveys as the healthiest demographic and vegans noisily rode that bandwagon. After veganism was differentiated from vegetarian in these surveys, vegans joined junk food eaters at the bottom of the health pyramid. Fact, check it.

I’m an anarchist, like Gandhi, and understand the desire to find common ground with progressives, but this woman has an iron clad mind and is a constant propagandist for the most severe blow hard zealots. Of course don’t throw out the baby with the bath water, but you could find a better source to voice these concerns.

Animal rights activists are the left wing version of right to lifers. They both choose to speak for those that can not speak for themselves. Would you expect wisdom from someone advocating the death of abortion doctors that changed their mind and decided taking aim at hospital administrators might be a better tactic? And don’t underestimate the attraction of eating meat. I knew many vegans that were secret meat eaters. I don’t care and don’t desire meat personally, but I am suspicious of idealoges experting in health, environment, agriculture or any other practical behavior.

Jon McGee
Jon McGee
7 years ago

You’re right, I have perception bias, which I clearly indicated. Yes, she can make good points, but so can someone else that isn’t indicting people, “vegetarians”, as exemplars of a problem. I remind you she identified as a vegan (leftist), not a vegetarian (who knows). The problem is using foods designed to survive war in Neolithic times as staples in the 21st century when we know better. And of course toxins. The starch scam drives industrial ag and demands chemicals. Why not interview activists who have been pointing this out for decades?

Someone spending 20 years propagandizing and encouraging folk to eat the official “vegan” diet has caused much illness and mental anguish. Sorry I don’t trust info from a dubious source even if it sounds well thought out and accurate. I also don’t think its profitable to worry about giving the left ammo, they always have a full magazine.

Yeah Gandhi was an asshole and he was an anarchist. Don’t believe everything you hear on youtube, read his books, (not books interpreting him). Most of your own philosophy can be found there. Einstein cheated on his wife, does that undermine relativity?

Anyway, enjoy your site and glad I could provide something to talk about.

7 years ago

I hadn’t listened to this when it aired originally so I’m really glad this was a rewind. What a great episode! I’ve been in the Permie sphere for a while now but I feel like I learned a lot of interesting new things from Lierre.

Scott Gordon
7 years ago

I gave the show a fair listen with an open mind.

Some actual myths are debunked – as they should be.

The elephant in the room: more than 10x the resources of water, land and grain are consumed to raise meat animals.

The grain cartels of corporate America do not make their money from vegetarians or vegans. This does not drive the current food model.

Cattle and other meat animals are the primary cause of rainforest destruction, soil erosion (including all those corn fields and soy fields). I am all for a return to grass-fed cattle farming which is not subsidized by my tax dollars.

(I don’t hear any vegetarians/vegans calling for removing animals from the land. Bring the bison back. And most of us have no problem with hunter-gathering lifestyles.)

I have been exceedingly healthy for the entire 30 years of eating vegetarian, and just became vegan for the past three of those years.

One thing she is right about: There are many dietary factors (sugar, GMO grains and pesticide-laden grains, etc.) that threaten the health of a vegetarian. If you stop eating meat you have to stop eating sugar, or you will consume your minerals processing that sugar.

It is assumed that if you are smart enough to go vegan and care for the environment, that you will educate yourself and care for your own body’s needs.

Vegans need fat and can easily get it from nuts and avocados (none of which tear up the land!).

There just is no such thing as “humane dairy” – sorry – and I sometimes eat cheese, too. Still, I would admit that raw milk is way healthier.

Sauerkraut and kombucha or other foods for intestinal health are vital and improve absorption and help guarantee no worries about protein or other nutrients.

In any case, the human body is designed to be herbivorous, and there is simply not enough land mass to raise animals as food:

(ignore the CO2 angle – I do – that is not the point – look at the land use issues – which was the main objection brought up in this show)