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Doug Bergstrom
Doug Bergstrom
7 years ago

thanks …..

Eivor Donahue
Eivor Donahue
7 years ago

Thank you for the reminder to honor and appreciate the sacrifice of those who gave their all.

Lee Abernathy
Lee Abernathy
7 years ago

Of all the Memorial Day comments yours is the most appropriate. Thank you

Alan Webster
7 years ago

Well said!

Jerry Rogers
7 years ago

Great point. There were a lot of lives lost and they should be remembered each year. It adds more meaning to the Memorial Day.

carol wetherington
carol wetherington
6 years ago

Believe me, I know the real meaning of memorial day!  I lost my  husband in an F-4 Aug. of 1980 in the Sahara dessert in Egypt.  He was in the Air Force ,a Captain and loved this country more than anything else in this world. Although he did not want to die at the age of 32, he was more than glad to die for this country! He loved flying and serving our country. Our children were 8 and 5 and has not been easy for me or my 2 children (ages 8 and 5) at the time  growing up without a father. I am sure he would be very disappointed in the evil that is evident in our country.today.

6 years ago

Having lost friends and family members in combat, I appreciate the explanation you have given. I try to remind people that those sacrifices were for us. Thanks again for permission to enjoy ourselves as the best memorial for the fallen.

6 years ago

Thanks Jack,



You make great points and the message stays true.


Thanks for all that you do.



Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
5 years ago

https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4  <All Wars are Banker’s Wars


“You don’t have to be for any war past or present to respect men and women who will give their lives for what they believe and fight the wars that politicians initiate.”    <<< VERY well said Jack.

I shared your message to Twitter, Spreely, GAB and MeWe.   It’s a message I hope many out there will read and take to heart.   Couldn’t share on Fakebook as I’m doing 30 days in “jail”—again/again/again/again.  


John M Smith
John M Smith
5 years ago

Thanks Jack, It’s always good to remember the one’s who gave it all.

Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
5 years ago

https://youtu.be/JSxOQt9WPqU    <Ron Paul was/is right.


Published on May 27, 2019



The best way to support our troops is to bring them home as quickly as possible.
Today is a memorial day of those we have lost.  Let’s not add to the list.

Kathleen Loder
Kathleen Loder
5 years ago

As a Viet Nam Era Marine, married to an FMF Hospital Corpsman who served 13 months in Viet Nam, and in a family where 15 of us have served since WWII, three of whom committed suicide, I thank you!  This is exactly how I feel!

Larry Cox
5 years ago

When I was young I thought war wasn’t right because it would put me in a position where I might have to kill another man for no other reason than that someone had convinced him that he needed to fight my people, and someone had convinced us that we needed to fight his people. I made it to the end of the war we call the Vietnam War without being drafted, and I am grateful for that.

As I grew up I learned much more about wars, warriors, and the skills of fighting. I could see the value in learning a Martial Art to help oneself to survive a violent attack by some person gone crazy or desperate. But I was a young working person before I came across a book that characterized war as a form of human insanity. I had never read any pacifist literature, not even the words of Eisenhower such as those quoted above, but to call it a human insanity seemed very correct to me.

Later on, I found out more about those people who work so hard to convince one group that it should fight another group (instead of settle peacefully as they would naturally do) while also working to convince the other side that fighting was, likewise, the necessary action. And then I understood why war is such an insane action to take. Why not just locate the Third Party instead, then settle peacefully?

But I also knew that fighting for territory or power was portrayed by history as just a part of life, at least among the ancient people who seemingly had no other solutions. I wonder now if that is really true. But I know that the warrior spirit and the skills of a fighter have been valued by societies for more centuries than anyone can count. Though to fight to kill is usually unnecessary and unwise, to fight is often necessary. Your adversary might be another human gone mad, but it might also be an animal, a storm, a disease or some other destructive power of nature.

Another thing I learned along the way is that those soldiers come back. The story of James Leininger (as told in the book Soul Survivor, written by his parents) is probably the best known case of this that has captured public attention. And when those people do return, they often have to deal with some trace of disquiet left on their personality by the war experience. So it is with all of us, but this gives us a new twist on our long traditions of honoring our dead. They need to know that their choices have been respected, and if poor choices, then forgiven.

5 years ago

Awesome read! Bullion Exchanges just released the pride of two nations coin and they are stunning! Check them out

Catherine Schmid Murphy

Good post.

Frank Walsh
Frank Walsh
4 years ago

All very well said. Thank you.

3 years ago

This is a day to feel righteous anger at our society that allows so many young people to get tricked into doing evil things for evil people. And in way too many cases actively helps to trick them.

Confucius said, “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” Well, enlisting = promising to help murder whichever poor different-looking foreigners the politicians are pointing you at any given week.

Your article quoted Eisenhower that “for Americans, only threat to our way of life justifies resort to conflict.” That does not happen with standing armies and overseas invasions and occupying foreign lands!

It happens through the Militia (responsible, capable individuals) who voluntarily decide to take up arms and band together to defend themselves. But only for the duration of the threat! Once the threat is eliminated they go back to their normal lives.

If today is a day for somber reflection, perhaps we should be reflecting whether all those youngsters who died in vain, or had their lives destroyed by the evil acts they were coerced to commit, will ever be able to forgive us for the parts we played in putting them in those awful circumstances.