Episode-135- TSP Rewind – Can Insurrection and Unity Coexist
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Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally Episode-1996- Can Insurrection and Unity Coexist and was originally published on May 2nd, 2017.
The following are the original show notes from that episode..
When I started this show I was a minarchist libertarian, over the years I made the logical migration to full on voluntarist. Many people of anarchist ideology see no value to things like national borders or any “love of country”. I am not such a person, though I am labeled as such at times.
The truth is in all things I am first a pragmatist. It is great to know how things should be so that we can strive for that, but it is also important to know how things are, so we can adapt to and over come them in the now.
To me anarchy is something for humanity to one day rise up to, rather than descend into as the fear mongers would say. In the end though we have what we have today, and honestly in the US despite our flaws we do have many opportunities and recognized rights that many other nations do not.
Part of me loves my country, more accurately the ideals of my country, the ideal for instance that all men are created equal in regard to rights. That each of us should have the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think that is a good common ideal to share among all free men and women, a source of unity.
Yet in every place our nation falls short of these ideals, I feel the spirit of insurrection should be alive and well. We all know that governments do not grant rights, they either protect or trample upon them. And once government takes a right away by increasing their power, they never give it back willingly. It is only thought rebellion and insurrection, that power is taken from the state.
Words like revolution, rebellion and insurrection conjure up images of violent resistance. Yet the state is violence, the state is force and the state is very good at these things, hence we do not strike the opponent where he is strong, rather where he is weak.
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- Insurrection is America, without it there is no America
- Understanding nations/countries vs. states
- Insurrectionist victories in America (note one can have victory without “total victory”
- Civil rights
- Gay rights
- Gold Ownership
- Home Brewing
- Prohibition
- Raw Milk
- Cannabis
- It is better to rebel before you have to
- Ways to rebel
- Grow your own food
- Barter and side hustles
- Partaking in the “gray market”
- Proactive apathy
- Self directed learning
- Make high return untaxable “investments”
- Learn about and use crypto currencies
- Spread voluntarist ideologies
- A nation built on insurrection requires future insurrection to survive
Resources for today’s show…
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- TspAz.com – Support TSP when you shop online.
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