Episode-132- TSP Rewind – Developing the Skill of Self Leadership
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Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally Episode-1895- Developing the Skill of Self Leadership and was originally published on Nov. 8th, 2016.
The following are the original show notes from that episode..
Today facebook is ringing out the bells of the end of all as we know it. Half screaming that is Hillary wins WWIII will happen by February and the other half claiming Trump will have a hit squad out knifing Mexican orphans throwing them over the wall.
Sorry guys at my age I have seen all this shit many times before. The surprise to me is how many times I have read the word “leader” and “leadership” in all of this. As in, “the US is in desperate need of a great leader”, that type of thing. As if any of the psychopaths that are fighting for control are worthy of being followed?
So my show will be about leadership today, but now about leading teams, or nations or companies, rather leading only yourself and by doing so your family and your loved ones. Tomorrow you will likely wake up to either President Trump or President Clinton, baring any Bush/Gore type of close call of course. Either way, no matter what you think now, the reality will begin to truly sink in as we move into 2017 and one of these two taking the oath of office.
Sooner or later you will be faced with reality, you are in charge of you, period and you control nothing more than you control yourself, so let’s get a jump start on that today.
Join Me Today As I Discuss…
- What it was like for me as I was building TSP
- The story of the shepherds and driving vs. leading
- The reality that your politicians are not even supposed to be leaders
- The keys to personal leadership
- It all starts with circles of influence vs. concern
- Define the mission
- Set priorities for tasks based on what you like least
- Be passion driven but pragmatic as well
- Find ways to inspire yourself
- Put compromise in your back pocket
- Embrace, hardship and struggle
- When you get to “good enough” go at least a little further
- Don’t try to be anyone else, be who you really are
- Never shift responsibility, never make excuses
- Above all be honest, especially with yourself
- Final Thoughts
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