This page will always let you know about the newest upcoming live stream with links to where you can tune in, the stuff we will be talking about and what time to set a reminder for. Also if you get on our TeleGram Channel you will always get an update the same day before we go live, usually about a 1-2 hour heads up.
All times posted are military time, ie 10:00 equals 10 AM, 14:00 equals 2 PM. Timezone is always CST as stated.
Our next live stream is Feb. 12th at 12:00 CST.
Live at 12:00 CST – Deb Brown joins us at TSPC to talk about how you really can breathe life back into your own small town. Small town America has taken a beating over the last 5 decades but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways to turn it all around, join Deb and I to learn how today.
Full details at
As always if you miss the stream the videos will remain available long term and the audio version of the podcast will go out over all podcast services as is typical. Please note there is a delay between the end of the streams and playback availability on Odysee and Rumble of about an hour on average.
- TPSC YouTube Stream – Link to YouTube Stream
- Rumble Steam – Link to Rumble Stream
- Facebook Stream – Up coming and active streams can be found on my personal page
- Twitch – You can find my Twitch Channel Here but I can’t link directly to an upcoming stream.
YouTube Live Stream Embed
Rumble Live Stream Embed