
1.7L Miroco Electric Kettle – Item of the Day — 5 Comments

  1. Just recently bought this kettle. Happy with the options, the look and the speed of boil. However the lid seems really finicky. It sometimes opens when you push the lid and sometimes it doesn’t. Perhaps I have a dud. It does seem counteractive to make the release of the lid on the top of the lid. Pushing down on a lid while at the same time it opens up doesn’t seem like a good design decision.

    • No I had this too, it is so simple. Push the side of the button to the back side. By that I mean the part of the button the furthermost from the spout, and it won’t ever be a problem again. I need to append a short video on this.

  2. 100% agree with the temps for coffee and teas. I’ve been using a water heater for years and it’s a game changer. You never know unless you try!

  3. Finally, a water heating device for folks who don’t like the feeling of napalm in their mouth!

  4. I bought one of these the last time you recommended it it’s been great when people see it they want to get one too