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10 years ago

Holy smokes! I didn’t even know there was a wiki!
That is an awesome idea.

Jon (McBrayn on the Wiki)

It’s been an awesome project to work on. If you have any ideas for topics or need help getting setup so you can add to it yourself just let us know.

Toni Brock
Toni Brock
10 years ago

I had heard a little bit about there being a wiki but needed this motivation to go check it out. It sounds very wonderful. Maybe I shouldn’t ask this question until I go check it out, but here goes anyway ~ are there articles about food preserving? I think that would be a great subject.


Jon (McBrayn on the Wiki)
Reply to  Toni Brock

Hey Toni, Yea we’ve got a few articles about different types of food preservation. They are in a section in the main food article. http://tspwiki.com/index.php?title=Food_preservation#Preparing_Food

Jeff Rubelmann
Jeff Rubelmann
10 years ago

Jack, I couldn’t agree more… Been listening for 7 months nows and the show has become regular dinner time learning…Love it!! Thanks so much!!!

10 years ago

Need one of the Core TSP Wiki people to email/PM me.

I got some Steven Harris content and topics I could write up for the Wiki, but want to check how I should do this and some general direction. I am a Steven Harris fan, but I don’t want to just paste transcriptions into the wiki like annoy “Harris Fan Boy”

Jon (McBrayn on the Wiki)
Reply to  Hootie

Hey Hootie, Jack is exactly right, just dive in with both feet. I did send you an email through the wiki so we can connect if you’d still like to discuss things. I look forward to connecting with you.

10 years ago

Cool, I will go with the “No new is good news” direction 🙂 Time to get doing…

Jon, will connect with you.