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11 years ago

“We have a barter blanket exchange that was a massive hit last time. We provide a selection of “adult beverages” for consumption after hours and have a blast in general. We do a seed exchange and I just open up much of my personal seed supply as well on a take what you need basis. Attendees almost become part of a “club” so to speak with relationships that extend beyond the event.”

Big Jack, Bringing my Dad with me to the event. A little Dad/Son trip. 42 years and we still work together. So more then just learning to make some ponds on the retreat, Camping, and swapping stories with the group. Really looking forward to this time with my Pops.

On that sob story note……what can’t we bring for the barter blanket? Any Thing someone that is coming looking for that I may be able to help out and bring? My group has some items that they wanted me to bring….Driving in from Wyoming.
(Ok wife told me to post or I can’t come. “Change your name on the form from “BEEWHISPERERWYOSURVIVAL” to “SURVIVAL FAN BOY” because you are acting like a geek. )
thanks Jack

11 years ago

Wife said I can play. LOL
She is staying to spin the last of the honey, feed the rabbits/chickens/fish.

My dad said “Well an open spot, I am in.” so we are coming.
O nothing illegal. Respect to the land owner. bringing some Caster Beans for someone that wants some. 5gram bags of seeds -buckwheat/ white clover/ chicory… (.45/410 Derringer Kit — some 454 rounds — The Self-defence cap — Audio books from the group barter bank). from me Travel Guitar/ Honey/Bees wax/mead/ one beehive (old but works for a starter) .

I’m Looking for a composting tolet, Arrows, powder Peanut butter, travel gold sleuth box, and TRAPS: #1 Long Spring Trap; #11 Long Spring Trap; #1 1/2 Coil Spring Trap; #2 Coil Spring Trap; #110 Body Trap; #220 Body Trap; #330 Body Trap; Set Tool for #220 & 330 Body Traps.

11 years ago

Sounds like you’ll be right at home Survival Fan Boy! I’d like to throw down against some of those items you’ll be dropping on the blanket as well.

Joe hicks
Joe hicks
11 years ago

@wyofanboy, what kind of arrows? Stone points? I make stone points, knives and whatnot. I am in the market for quality flint and moose antler(the bottom 8-9″ with scull plate) The problem is that a non-flint knapper almost never brings me a useable rock. Large flat and no cracks is a good start. See ya there.