
Nothing about the Trump Shooting Makes Sense – Epi-3523 — 3 Comments

  1. I have a lot of things to say about the shooting, but at the end of the day I guess the saddest consequence of this will be a lot more plexiglass, SS, and armored convoys between our leaders and the voting, tax paying public. I’m hearing from some ppl that our presidents should just stop campaigning and speaking outside. The times are coming when the only way we see our presidents and governors will be from behind digital screens. The disconnect is growing, as is the fabric of our country.

    The magnitude of what we just witnessed is right up there with the moon landing and 9/11. People have felt for a long time that someone would eventually try to take out Trump. Now someone has tried and almost succeeded. The fact that he only escaped death by a few inches, that sort of thing is rare in combat, let alone with a presidential candidate. Gotta give Trump credit. He took a near-life ending moment, raised his fist in the air and made the most of the moment to rally the crowd and stand in the face of fear with grit and determination. Love him or hate him, the man’s got some stones.

  2. Check out this street view of the water tower with the catwalk that overlooked the whole place including the shooters position. Why wasn’t there a team on that tower? The oversights are so egregious it’s nearly impossible to swallow the incompetence story unless you just want to believe it.,-79.9743045,3a,15y,73.79h,91.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sxlzF8vn_bcPub3R4y7ZeZQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu