Episode-705- An Interview with Travers Oliver of Backwoods Survival
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Today we are joined by Travers Oliver, survival instructor for Backwoods Survival. Travers 16 years old with a great love for the outdoors and teaching others traditional and modern wilderness skills.
Today he joins us to discuss the importance of today’s youth experiencing the outdoors and learning bush-crafting / primitive techniques.
I also provide an update on the progress so far with the new AgriTrue standard. There isn’t much to see yet but a lot progress has been made thus far. I will need some assistance in talking to the existing community of growers to ensure the final product works for everyone.
Join me today as we discuss…
- On AgriTrue
- Why AgriTrue, why now
- The basic over view of the new AgriTrue standard
- The vision for AgriTrue
- How a free market system can solve its own problems
- Why Home Gardeners should be AgriTrue certified
- Why disclosure is more important than a “standard”
- Why all food production is meaningful
- Then with Travers Oliver
- The main goals of Backwoods Survival
- How wilderness skills build confidence in daily life
- The importance of teaching youth survival skills
- How the internet has changed the way we learn
- The items Travers feels should be part of wilderness EDC
- The five wilderness skills every person should develop
- What we can expect next from Backwoods Survival
Additional Resources for Today’s Show
- Members Support Brigade
- TSP Gear Shop
- Join Our Forum
- Emergency Essentials – (sponsor of the day)
- Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day)
- Backwoods Survival on Facebook
- Backwoods Survival on YouTube
- The AgriTrue Document I read on the air today. Remember it isn’t even close to a final standard yet. PDF so Right Click – Save As for best results.
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
Thanks again for the great interview! For anyone who wants to contact me:
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If using a lighter is cheating then so is using a knife! lol
Can’t wait for the AgriTrue to get of the ground. A suggestion. Have a downloadable flyer for listeners to print so we can hand them out at our local farmers markets when this gets off the ground. I would be more than glad to spread the news on this and definately want to sign on.
I go to a small farmer’s market that is held once a week. The focus is on natural and organic(not the gubmet’s definition but ours) foods. Once you get the far enough along with the AgriTrue effort, a standard flyer that we can print out and hand out would be great. I would give it to the vendors at the market, and I suggest others do the same.
Very inspiring young man, reminds me of me not so long ago. If only I had possessed a little more direction and knew what I wanted to do. Keep up the good work travers.
On the gel fire starter, pretty sure I saw a CPSC recall for it or a similar product a month or two ago. Said it was a burn hazard. A couple morons aren’t careful when handling fire and get products taken off the shelf, good job people.
In regards to the gel fire starter – is this stuff different than some sterno gel? I’ve not tried it, and I’m sure it could evaporate off, but would there be any problems with sticking that in some sort of container (maybe not film, I’m thinking medicine bottle?) and achieving the same purpose? I keep a can of it in each vehicle, and I think it does pretty good with a spark… although don’t quote me on that!
You need to establish a set of standards that a person can say “We abide by the basic requirements with the exception of…” so you don’t have to display a long list of things you do.
I’m a native grass farmer and use cattle to harvest my crop. Would that meet your non-crop standards? Some of my grass is a non-native introduced grass. Would I have to maintain a minimal acreage of native grass?
Where I am, cattle are wintered in corrals because they can be cared for more easily when there is a lot of snow on the ground. Further south, you may not need to do that. There may be regional variations that need to be considered in the standards.
Also, is there a concern that government might try taking this over and getting involved or enforcing regulation on it?
To avoid a good ol’ boy problem, you could require allowing random checks on a person’s practices. You may not perform a lot of them, but the threat might limit the problem.
Love the idea, hope it works.