
Episode-2135- Trapping for Fur and Meat with Aaron Dorr — 9 Comments

  1. Love using cable restraints. Predators are defenseless against them.  Often can catch those animals that just won’t work a foot hold set.

  2. Had to chuckle at the question about where to find out about how to cook the critters: “Joy of Cooking”!  I don’t know if the new editions have so much info; I rather doubt it. My go-to is my mother’s 1962 edition, which covers opossum, squirrel, rabbit, deer, elk, moose, and bear. There are notes on each of these, very complete butchering diagrams for beef, pork, and lamb/mutton which would be helpful for other species, and general cooking instructions for different cuts. Just a suggestion not to forget that an old book that you already have around the house might be just the thing.  Fanny Farmer is or was equally informative on “game” – but perhaps not today’s editions.

    I’m guessing that the skunk/cranberry story is made up. Cranberries have been enjoyed for centuries, long before the Depression.

  3. I know that around in north Florida, tularemia can be a problem with small game.

    Years ago, I had a neat looking old copy of Larousse Gastronomique by Escoffier. That book had hundreds of entries on cooking some really obscure animals. I sold it on eBay for a lot of money and now I wish I hadn’t. If you can find a copy of that book, it might be a good one for the survival library.

  4. If you like Trans Siberian Orchestra, you’ll love Two Steps From Hell. I think they both fit into the genre of what folks call “new epic” or neoclassical music. The TSFH tagline is “Music Makes You Brave.” I call it auditory caffeine.

    • Most definitely, Two Steps From Hell is one of the best groups out there for this type of music. I’ll probably include a song by them next year.

  5. Hello Jack, Thanks for bringing Aaron on the show. The subject was very interesting.

    As to Game Recipes, I found this possible resource.

    Thanks for all you do and the Rewind episodes are very good, Getting down to the basics and going up from there served my military experience very well.

    Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and GSD New Year to Clan Spirko.

  6. Good show.  Thanks Jack and Aaron.


    Fun to see a fellow Michiganiac on TSP.  Its on a long list of skills to learn. For now it waits.


    I’ll share it and Hope you get some business.


    From Allegan County

  7. Good show. I was thinking of trying trapping. After the show I looked up the laws here in Colorado.  Live cage or box traps only. All others are outlawed. Son of a……  Too many hippies out here.

  8. Thanks for this interview. I was interested in the content, but I was even more impressed with Aaron’s laid-back, can-do attitude. He has an old head on young shoulders and if SHTF, he is one who won’t get stressed about it.