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9 years ago

I like listening to your podcast very much. keep up the good work I have get a lot of insight and info from them.
However this one 1673 brought back many memories. As a young boy about 12-17 years old I spend my summers packing pack a string of 7-8 horses with goods for the sheep camps. One being salted pork. I would get started on the trail aboutstarted 4 a.m.
I knew I was getting close to to the camp when I started smelling the coffee and salt pork as the cold morning air seem carry the smell a mile or so down that last canyon. way before I could even see the tent and make shift corral. I remember that the salted pork was wrapped with cheese cloth last all summer hanging from a limb high to keep the bears and coyotes from getting to it.
So much for memories I could write about them for ever.
I have many memories doing that was agreat time with a lot of learning and character building experiences untill I turned 18 &joinedd the Air force later on signing up in the Army. Any how I am just writing to see if get your receipt for the salted pork.
Thanks and keep giving us info and memories. They where the greatest part of my life…..