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12 years ago

Jack – the new homestead looks awesome with so many possibilities. Best of luck to you!


Max (eaglesteel)
Max (eaglesteel)
12 years ago
Reply to  GrizzlyAdams

Nice Place Jack! I heard you say mancave a couple of times in the video. Maybe you could do a mancave episode with prepping in mind. Every mancave has things hung on the walls. So maybe there is some cool prepping tools ect that you could use as decor but at a moments notice they can be taken down and used. For example my buddy has a pair of snow shoes hung up on the wall in his mancave. They look cool and he may never need them but if he does they are there. I have a mancave as well but it’s filled with Steelers, Ohio State, and Pittsburgh Penguins stuff. Not very tactical but that may change.

Ray H
Ray H
12 years ago

Soooo much potential, good luck, it’ll be exciting to watch the transformation.

12 years ago

Wow, that looks great, Jack. I can’t wait to follow the progress.

12 years ago

Very nice! And once you get one of those PVC cutters, you buy a red tool box and fill it with all sorts of pieces/parts for your pvc, always a fresh can of cement……ya, I know ALL about PVC!!!

12 years ago

Funny looking at another person’s place and thinking “I’d put my wood shop in there, boat there, chickens there”. Looks great Jack. Will enjoy seeing what you do with it.

The mad Vaper
12 years ago

Hey Jack the place looks great! Wife was drooling over the amount of garden space. Better hurry up and buy that other acre with the Mobil home or you’ll have me as a neighbor 🙂 I need some sunshine, tired of all the rain up here in the Pacific Northwest.

Chuck F.
Chuck F.
12 years ago

It does look like a nice place. One thing I saw that you might want to take a look at is the timbers used for the raised beds. To me some looked like railroad ties. If so I would be conserned about the leaching of creosote into the soil. I have read that this is bad, but I have also read that it is not a big deal.

12 years ago
Reply to  Chuck F.

@ Jack – we rent a farmstead, and part of our garden is near an old diesel barrel and pump located on the ground. There is still a small bit of fuel in the tank, and it hasn’t been used in years. It looks like there is no leakage (still has fuel), but there has been some spillage in the past, given the spot where nothing grows. right in front of the barrel Is this a concern for my garden 10 feet away (in your opinion)?

12 years ago

Very cool. So I’ve been out of the loop for awhile….what happened to Arkansas?

Carrie B
Carrie B
12 years ago
Reply to  Rob

They both wanted more acreage to do the permaculture stuff, but more importantly Dorothy wanted to be back closer to her family – so they moved back to TX, just about an hour from family and friends.
The property in Ark is up for sale.

12 years ago

Looks a little cold haha. I’m jealous of the new homestead. Goodluck!

Lane Douglas
Lane Douglas
12 years ago

great looking place Jack, the pride and excitement comes across in your voice, many years of joy ahead of you and Dorothy

Eric Cole
Eric Cole
12 years ago

If you can figure out a coating that helps with the PVC ultravoilet problem, it will be a boon to all. I wish you the best. Good LUCK

Scott A
Scott A
12 years ago

Oh man, you are killing me. This looks like my dream. Great spot, great price, lots of potential and lots of projects.

Matt Connell
Matt Connell
12 years ago

Jack! My Man! Your new homestead ROCKS! It’s bigger than I imagined when you described it on your show, and man the possibilities are endless!
Oh and it’s a real possibility that those “Sea bed rocks” are actually Lithocrete. Some lithocrete is made with crushed sea shells. I hope that’s what it is and not the Ancient Sea bed, but it sounds like you have a solution either way! Good luck in your pursuit of happiness and keep up all the great work!
By the way… I am, as the libs always preach, PRO CHOICE! I believe i have the right to CHOOSE what weapon I guard my home with and the right to CHOOSE how many bullets it takes! Cause apposed to Cuomo… “I MAY NEED 10 BULLETS TO KILL AN INTRUDER!!!!”
Sorry for the gun rant… AWESOME new home! Congratulations!

12 years ago

Damn, Jack, you guys done splendid – it’s a beautiful place! I can’t help thinking how blown away your new neighbors are going to be as you morph that sad and neglected landscape into a permaculture showplace. Gonna be awesome.

(And don’t let that Yorkie hurt Max, LOL!)

12 years ago

Happy for you, Jack. Looks like a great place to fend off the zombies, or just live a kick@$$ life. Thrive on, man.

Foxy Huntress
Foxy Huntress
12 years ago

Welcome back to Texas. Looking forward to seeing the progress.

12 years ago

Well holy crap that is nice! What a deal. Here that same place would go for $350k-$375k for a good deal, with taxes pushing $3600-$4000 a year easy. This place is going to be great for you. The buildings are up. The fence is up. Garden beds are in, Sure there is more to do and changes to be made but those items just saved you several years worth of work. CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH. I always love seeing Max give him a butt scratch from me.

12 years ago

Looks awesome Jack! Congrats to you and Dorothy. * Side question, I can’t even imagine how swamped you are but are there any updates on Revolution 2.0? Greatly anticipating its release!

David T.
David T.
12 years ago

Very nice! I’m a little jealous… Grew up on property like that but for the last 5 or 6 years been stuck on a tiny lot in the middle of town and can’t wait to get back out just a little. What you have there looks just about exactly what I hope to end up with. Have fun out there!

12 years ago

Hey Jack, the new place shows a lot of promise! Ya done good!

12 years ago

Looks good, very similar to my property in terms of the amenities and the challenges. It will be interesting to see what you do with it.

It’s easy to look with envy at another property and imagine what you could do with it. Land potential aside, I notice you took several opportunities to mention the neighbors. Not just “here’s a property line”, but your good impressions of them. That’s too often overlooked. You can fix the pasture with a bag of grass seed, but fixing neighbors isn’t as easy. The fact that you have some fellow gardeners near by, a family land-sharing multiple houses… That says a lot of good things about the community you’re joining.

Good neighbors are a blessing, bad neighbors are a curse. Sometimes the only difference between the good and the bad are those first impressions. Break out the home-brew, toss a few steaks on the grill and invite the neighbors over. You’ll learn more in 20 minutes of conversation about the community, immediate region, and probably even your own property than you could hope to learn in months by your self. That should be a priority, even if you’re like me and view it as a chore. Still, a cold beer and a T-bone steak is a chore I’d tackle any day. There are a million ways to work harder and accomplish less.

Good luck.

12 years ago

Awesome Jack!!! So happy for you guys!!! With that little bed off to the side, instead of just corn, maybe try a three sisters garden???

12 years ago

Awesome looking place. I hope I can find something similar in my area. Take care of it and it will take care of you.

Brian W
Brian W
12 years ago

Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you! Not quite a “blank canvas” but definitely a good foundation to start from, it’ll be interesting to see/hear what Geoff’s concepts for it will be and how it all takes shape over the coming months & years. Best of luck to the both of you!!

12 years ago

Beautiful property man. I can really see what you said about how much can be done on just 3 acres. Now I am a greedy bugger, so I still want more for privacy, but I can see how much you will be able to pack in, and you are totally right about it.

Danny Mathia
Danny Mathia
12 years ago

Congratulations on your purchase, looks like a great homestead! Thanks for the video, it really puts things into perspective. Can’t wait to see more videos of the progress and changes over the next few years. You’re living the dream Jack!

Rick Murphy
12 years ago

Jack great vid and great choice in a property you guys selected. Looking forward to seeing some changes over time. Be sure to take many pics and video like this of the BEFORE stage.

gator bee gal
gator bee gal
12 years ago

Amazing Jack! I absolutely cannot wait to to see what you and Geoff do with this place. Anxiously awaiting inspiration for our new 5 acre homestead we are (hopefully) buying!

12 years ago

Welcome home Jack and Dorothy! Your place looks like a nice canvas to begin designing your masterpiece, so much potential. We bought our homestead 3 months ago and I can honestly say I have more projects planned for this place than I can fit in a lifetime. As you chronicle the tranformation of yours rest assured there are many out here with similar vision. One of the best ways I’ve found to gain inspriation is to visit other preppers at their homesteads to see what they are doing or have done. Thanks for letting “visit” your’s.

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
12 years ago

Nice to be able to put a picture/video to the place, so from now on when you talk about it, I will have a frame of reference. What were the temps that day?.

12 years ago

An added thought/request for Jack’s Permaculture & Prepper Paradise Project –

Before, during and after pictures taken from the same vantage point are so much more easily understood and appreciated than ones taken from random locations. I’m trying to do that with my projects: all herb garden photos taken from under this cedar tree, goat shed pics from this rock, etc., etc. Just a thought … 🙂

12 years ago

Jack it looks great. I’m curious – in previous TSP episodes I think you mentioned that you liked being able to shoot on your land in AR. In watching the video and seeing your neighbors are relatively close does that prevent you from shooting on the new homestead? If so was that a tough compromise vs all the good stuff this property brings?

Joe DuPont
Joe DuPont
12 years ago

Good for you! Looks perfect for your needs. It will be interesting to see how you enhance it.

Warren Puckett
Warren Puckett
12 years ago

This is gonna be fun seeing you start this project from the beginning and getting the videos and updates as it goes along.

Sue Trickett
Sue Trickett
12 years ago

I’d love to live there, great place. It was fun watching the video, thanks for showing us around Jack. Looking forward to more videos!

12 years ago

Hey Jack, Looks great. I’ve gone a little further and set up shop outside of CONUS in the mountains of Panama. I wrote an article about it at http://boquetelots.com/articles.html. Have a look

troy throneberry
troy throneberry
12 years ago

WOW..I can see it already looks great. welcome back to TEXAS. I live about five minutes from you in nw tarrant co

12 years ago

Congratulations Jack & Dorothy.. the new place looks awesome!

How about putting in some survey markers so you can get all those before and after shots from the same location? =)

12 years ago

Congratulations, what a great property! Great infrastructure, all looking attractive, good roofs, sound buildings, fertile land (all not always the case) on which to add. Thank you for sharing this.

Brandon Oakley
Brandon Oakley
12 years ago

Looks great! I’m in Hurst if you need a helping hand. Would you be up for hosting a mead/homebrew class? Goat Stump Brew sounds pretty good.

12 years ago

Did I hear you say, “WHEN Geoff comes “? Is he designing your property? If so I’d love to lend a hand just for a chance to pick his brain on climate specific issues here in Texas!

12 years ago

Man!!! Im happy for ya Jack!!! That place looks VERY promising. Needs a bit of work to make it “yours” of course, but I cant wait to see what you turn it into. Im not too terribly far from you, so Im hoping to get a chance to come give you a hand through one of these workshops I keep hearing about. As always thanks for the Podcast and thanks being a true Patriot.