Tonight’s Meet Up in Iowa, Same Place, Jimmy’s
A quick reminder my presentation at the Midwest Self Reliance Festival is going to be from 1-3PM today. You can learn more about the Festival at The Midwest Self Reliance Festival Facebook Page. The event run’s till 7 tonight and then I have a function with the Des Moines Prepper Group until 7:30 on site at the event.
After that there is a come one, come all event at Jimmy’s. We went there last night and had a minimum turn out of 50, likely quite a bit more folks then that, I lost count. The staff did a great job and was clearly greatful for all the business and the fact that we treated the servers well. So we have the same space (a bit more actually) reserved for tonight at 7:30.
The event is at Jimmy’s Big 10 Restaurant and Bar in West Des Moines. The address is 1238 8th St, West Des Moines, IA 50265.
Just show up and we have the back patio reserved. Note this is not the patio you pass on the way in. Go through to the back and there is a nice covered patio that we have reserved.
Getting there from the Val Air Ballroom where the Self Reliance Festival is going on couldn’t be much easier. Just take Ashworth west about 4/10ths of a mile and then go North on 8th Street for about 3/10ths and look for Jimmy’s. There is a round sign, that just says, you guessed it, “Jimmy’s” and it will be on your left as you head north on 8th street.
Jimmy’s did a great job, it was great meeting everyone there!
I love our life here on the farm. We raise our own livestock, have several large garden with fruits and vegetables. I think it is fun garden, and raise animals. We have chickens, ducks, turkeys, dogs, cats etc. It is great.
Jack, thanks for your presentation and for coming to the Midwest. It was great to shake your hand and talk agriculture/permaculture for a few minutes. Hope you had a good trip and you make it backup here again someday.
Charles (aka, the guy that spilled his coffee as he left your table)
Had a great time chatting with you, MAN you should have told me your screen name at the expo, we have interacted so many times online and I had no idea.
I just wish I had been able to attend one of the mixers. Life got in the way. I’d had loved to talk about a few ideas I’m kicking around re: permaculture, escape from a 9-5, and a property. But I didn’t want to dominate your time. Plus, you’ve led me and others to the trough…at some point, we have to figure out how to drink for ourselves.
When I told my 5-year old son, who was at grandma(pa’s) for the weekend that we met you he yelled with excitement “Are you serious?!?” He still talks about the compost bins we built after watching your videos. His favorite part was when the dogs would come into the picture 🙂 I’ll have to sit down with him and watch some of the videos you’ve put together at your new place. He’s a big fan (of the vids…haven’t introduced him to the podcast, yet).
Glad you got back safe.
jealous 😉
Jack, Thanks for the visit to Iowa. Great presentation and enjoyed having a Guinness with you.