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Adam Bremner
Adam Bremner
7 years ago

Would a system like this work in a climate like Ontario? Assuming that I use local fish, would the fish be able to survive the winter?

Andy Russell
Andy Russell
7 years ago

Along the same lines as the above question Jack how will you keep everything from freezing? There in Texas will the moving water prevent the lines from freezing? I guess you don’t need to worry about ice forming on the surface of the water? I would love to try a project like this where I live in PA but can’t imagine it not needing to be deeper in the ground or having it in a heated building? Thanks for the awesome idea and thanks in advance for any responses/answers to questions! ~Andy

7 years ago
Reply to  Andy Russell

I’m a bit north of you in zone 6b/7a depending on what map you look at. Our winters can be mild, but do expect several freezes throughout the winter with thaws in the morning. For someone that was out of town, would a stock tank heater be some extra insurance against freezing?

I’m interested in how well your flood/drain beds do with filtration over time. I looked at Rob Bob’s RAS system but he had several different filters in there. The flood/drain is a much simpler solution IMHO.

7 years ago

Where did you buy your liner? This is a super cool project and has me rethinking my plans to set up IBC’s this fall for fish production.

7 years ago

Awesome, thanks, I checked Amazon first and these guys are definitely cheaper

7 years ago

Dang Jack, killing me using those spikes!!! We use these Timberlok and similar Tork drive fasteners in the log home and timber frame business. Works great with impact drivers, and saves time and elbows… Pro tip-
dip the ends in light oil or spray with oil right before use, goes in even better. https://www.amazon.com/Simpson-Structural-Screws-SDWS22500DB-R50-22-Inch/dp/B0084KQUAC/ref=sr_1_sc_3?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1498918596&sr=1-3-spell&keywords=Simson+tructural+screw

Another item of the day….

Tyrone Thompson
Tyrone Thompson
7 years ago

Nice build Jack. Been thinking about something like this for some time now, though about half the size of your system (to go inside a greenhouse). I’m happy to see that someone has finally done a tank in the manner that I was planning to see how it goes together. I have a smaller tank made out of an old hot tub that I was going to stock with locally caught bluegills, but I just found out yesterday that doing so here in Oregon is illegal. I do have some locally purchased channel catfish in my small aquatic system though. Really looking forward to see how this new system of yours pans out!

7 years ago

Jack, this is badass! I like it. just wondering tho you said you might be using led lights along the edge. will you be putting something up to prevent the fish from jumping out from going after the bugs?

7 years ago

I just realized another benefit of the fish from systems like this. Fertilizer. I have seen people put a fish head or two in a hole with a plant. In what other ways can you use fish for fertilizer? Ex. adding fish to compose pile?

7 years ago

I’ve wondered the same thing about using the carcass for fertilizer. I figure if you’re pulling out a couple fish at a time you can go with the throw them in a different hole each time in the garden method. I have considered stocking fish in IBC tanks, growing them out and harvesting them, in which case I’d have way more fish carcasses than I could bury at one time. I considered looking into how to make a liquid fish emulsion fertilizer that would store longer, but figure I might have to have a dedicated blender.

Although, after seeing this project I’m leaning more toward keeping fish year round instead of stocking/harvesting, and storing my fish “on the hoof” so to speak. Then burying or grinding a couple carcasses at a time wouldn’t be as big of an issue.

I don’t think a compost pile would take more than a couple before you wind up with a smell, definitely open to further fish fertilizer suggestions and methods.

7 years ago

To increase size & health of fish & plants look up o2grow.com or make your own…