There Appears to be a “Cure” Corona Virus, So Let’s Use It
What I am about to tell you is true, you can verify it. At least for some there is likely a “cure” for Covid-19. Not may be a cure, a cure, if it will work for all remains to be seen but when it was used, it worked and seems to have worked for every patient it was used on.
Was the medical marvel accomplished in the US, where we have the “best medical system, doctors, scientists and hospitals there are on the earth” and may soon have the most active cases of CoVid on the planet? No. Rather it was tried on a few early patients in Australia where they only have 450 active cases and the concerns are far less then they are in the US for the next few weeks anyway.
This is a real treatment, done by real doctors, in a real hospital, with real Covid Patients with real results. The doctor’s name is Professor David Paterson an Infectious disease physician at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. The two drugs are called Chloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir. Chloroquine is an older Malaria drug and lopinavir/ritonavir is used for HIV treatment.
Is this some cutting edge research we just found out about? No it is something that we have known about for over a month, seriously. It is two drugs that are actually pretty old at this time. Again one if for fighting Malaria and the other for Fighting HIV. These drugs are not expensive (relative to the situation) and they are both able to be prescribed by doctors for their intended uses right now. Both are older drugs, the HIV one now seldom used having been mostly replaced by a newer one and the Malaria one reserved for resistant strains of Malaria.
Both have few side effects relative to a person with CoVid that requires advanced treatment and the Dr. that actually used it said, it wasn’t a stretch to label the drugs “a treatment or a cure”. So far I can’t find that a single US Doctor has tried these two drugs. Bluntly why the hell not? Not one, zero!
The truth is I don’t know if there is something preventing it, but it makes no sense. It is pretty clear that it works, it again may not work for everyone, some combination may work better but why in the name of God is it not being used in the US? It is not like we are lacking patients to try it on. I have heard it asked about on a few news shows and their “expert doctors” say that it is “interesting and might work”. Really? Interesting?
How about we find out? How about we at least tell patients about it and let them decide? Didn’t Trump pass the “right to try” legislation where people who are terminal can try drugs that are not even tested yet? Why the hell in the most advanced nation on the planet are we not using a combination of drugs that we have, is approved for use and might save lives? The only downside is they might not work, unless the patient is allergic to them or something it isn’t going to make them worse.
Right now they are rolling out trials in Australia to over 50 hospitals while we sit on our thumbs. They are going to try one drug vs. the other, both drugs, etc. to see what works best. I say use both on serious cases and follow the data from the ones that were already successful. Do “trials” for comparison with more moderate cases. Yet that should be for doctors to make the call on, but why are they not using them now? The Aussies are going to be enrolling patients by “the end of March” for these trials.
Bluntly why the hell does the US not start doing this now and getting as much data as fast as we can and save as many lives as we can right now. We are not going to kill anyone with these two medications, it will work or it won’t and the data is pretty clear that it will work for some, may be most.
I am not a political person but I want every reporter asking every government official talking about Covid two questions…
- What is the progress on drive though testing?
- Why are we not using this combination of drugs on patients in the US right now?
Why not use every tool in the tool kit. Sure these are old drugs, the Malaria one is out of patent, I am not sure on the HIV one but again it is older. It won’t make Pharma a fortune but it may save 100s or 1000s of lives.
So tell the government you want Doctors empowered to use these drugs, NOW, not in two more weeks when our system is on the edge of breaking, now, right now. If you get CoVid and have to go to the hospital due to symptoms ask about it, if possible demand it. At least you know about it now.
Make everyone aware of this, the media and their experts keep glossing over it calling it “interesting”. Every time I hear that I want to use some pretty nasty four letter words. It is beyond interesting. Sign this petition and tell you friends to do so as well.
Call your elected officials that have ordered these lock downs and restrictions and ask them why they are not pushing for this solution? Call talk show hosts and tell them about this. Even if this treatment is 50% effective it is a complete game changer and it looks better than that. Every person we keep from needing a respirator is one more available for someone who needs it, for Covid or for any other reason.
The foot dragging on this makes zero sense to me, again I am not political but I can’t stand by and not do something here. If this petition gets 100,000 signatures the White House must respond to it. If it gets a million in a week or less they will be unable to not seriously consider it and discuss it. I am not that big of a site, I usually do not shoot that high but I can’t think of a single reason we can’t get millions of people to sign onto this.
It is the single biggest issue in America and in fact the world right now. Coupled with the natural curve, current interventions, our medical system which is great and this new and other new therapies we can get though this much better and faster than projected. But only if doctors have the power to make decisions like trying new therapy already proven effective in other trials.
So much about this is political and dividing us. I can’t see anything divisive about the ability for a sick person to request two drugs that likely will work and already have gone though safety trials for their use. Sure we have not trialed them for this specific use but again we already give them to people all the time. They have both been given to literally millions of people over the years. Frankly the Malarial one can be made for next to nothing and might even be decent for preventing CoVid to some degree in the first place.
So sign this petition, it actually matters. Tell you friends to sign it, call family, friends, everyone.
Note – Every thing I just told you can be verified in this article right here. The man that did the treatment is a doctor, who treated real patients, watched them get better to the point where you could not even detect the virus. They are going forward with it in Australia if we are not going to there better be a damn good explanation of why.
Trials already underway in US on chloroquine and other drugs:
This presentation at this link has a good summary of possible drugs to combat covid-19:
They can run all the damn trials they want, what I want is this being used until we have something better as a standard of care for at risk patients once confirmed. It is exactly what every doctor that has tried it keeps saying should be done. We are talking one of the lowest risk, highest reward options we have.
Let them run “trials” in the usual way if the patient wants to, but let anyone get these common drugs if the virus is confirmed, symptoms appear to be advancing and especially if they are in anyway at elevated risk. All I am saying is open the door to let doctors try this for anyone that wants to try it.
It will either work and supply a shit load of data fast.
Be disproven fast.
In a place like Washington or New York right now you’d now in a week. A fuckin week.
Maybe I need to fold up my tin foil hat; but what is to prevent drive through testing from becoming a national DNA database?
At the current moment, resources. They can barely get them done for the intended purpose.
When drive though testing is the standard in all major ________ breakouts, NOTHING.
Personally having served in the Army I am sure they already have mine. Millions every year are paying to have their DNA collected anyway.
So much about the medical system we have seems like a lot of brainwashing and all kinds of questionable treatments and overpriced cures with horrible side effects. I find it nearly maddening to behold sometimes and the extent of the brainwashing as well. Of course it’s complex and that’s one of the problems but if something might actually work that’s cheap, I would half expect some phony study to say it has been debunked or something
This could get tied up for weeks with them trying to broaden the scope of authority beyond trials of known drugs and therapies.
In hospitalized adult patients with severe Covid-19, no benefit was observed with lopinavir–ritonavir treatment beyond standard care.
Chloroquine is safe and it’s been used for a long. long time. I readily available; I have some sitting in my lab right now. Trials are good but there’s no reason to wait for it on this.
I’ve already seen the confusion on social media about Plasmodium (malaria) not being a virus, therefore this won’t work, blah, blah, blah.
Because of chloroquine’s unique mode of action, it has been used before as an anti-viral and has gotten positive results against certain flaviviruses, retroviruses, and coronaviruses. This is old news.
Mode of action:
Not sure the appropriate place to post this tidbit…but i have quite a few relatives in Italy, the recent coronoavirus hotspot. ONE of the other big reasons italy has been SO hard hit (beyond the culturally physical contact) and older population of people…is the amount of buisness ties with China, particularly in Northern Italy. This was the report from my cousins…making me aware that scores of Chinese folks have bought up and built up there buisnesses there, near the high fashion sectors. Apparently, many of these Chinese travel ofter back and forth to China, thus the virus spread, likely unawares. There also seems to have been strenthening ties btwn Chinese and Italian gov’t over the last few years. Bad timing i reckon.
You are often seem to say how you don’t like Trump. You should give him some credit where he contradicts the leading government expert Anthony Fauci in this news conference. I don’t think any of the last 4 presidents we have had would ever go anywhere so far as this. Trump basically says he is very optimistic about Chloroguine and Fauci keeps going on there and contradicting him and all the liberals I am sure think people like you and Trump are just ignorant redneck know nothings. They are constantly laughing at you and Trump because they always believe all of the sophisticated sounding dressed up science. I think people should stand up and speak out more and promote the facts that are out there and expose the phony FDA more. To hell with ignoring everything going on
I gave him a lot of credit when he did that.
Also consider if I tout Trump 50% of people will just tune out and not hear me out. If I honestly say not a fan but this is something he did, I can reach people with Trump Derangement Syndrome at least some of them.
Kudos Jack !
One more article, from the NewAmerican why things are so bad in Italy, and (thus not as likely) to result here in the USA…summarizes it beautifully…
I signed the petition, but I’m absolutely shocked with your audience as to how few did. If Jack Spirko says to sign a petition, holy crap, something is seriously wrong… 😉
Although, I don’t think Covid 19 is as big of a deal as you do. Looking at the accidental case study of the Diamond Princess Cruise. Even if you’re in a tight area with a lot of sick people, you still have a low likelihood of getting it. And even if you’re old, as was virtually everyone on that ship, your death rate is about 1% if you do catch it. If I was over 65, and a chain smoker, and working in an office with a bunch of people that have Covid 19, is be worried. I have an employee whose wife fits that description. I’m worried for her… however, everyone else… just needs to get back to work, this is ridiculous. And if this petition helps then more power to it.
Since they now are using it, I think it kind of died.
Chloroquine is NOT the same as hydroxychloroquine. But even hdroxycholoroquine is not turning out to be a panacea:
Unfortunately, I think our president spoke ahead of the facts in this case.
This medication is taken in the same doses for decades by Lupus Patients and RA patients, calling it high risk is stupid.
The medical establishment seems intent on ignoring HOW to use this medication, it is needed BEFORE people are in a hospital not after. It should be taken along with zinc, we have only known this for 3 months now but every trial is on really ill people and uses no zinc. We even have governors banning MDs from prescribing it outside of a hospital. It is the most fucked up thing government has done in a very long time.
By the time a patient is in a hospital you could wave a wand and clear them of the virus and they still might die. I don’t know why people can’t understand this. By the time you are in a hospital the complications are the issue not the damn virus itself. Many are dying on ventilators with zero virus still present. The virus put them there but ARDS is what kills them.
Hmm, got it. The studies are focused on outcomes when the study administered the drug at the wrong time. Thanks for the followup response. Do you have resources that show when people should start taking hydroxychloroquine+zinc? The moment a pulse oximeter shows dropping oxygen levels? At the first sign of a headache/cough/etc? Maybe we don’t know with Covid. At any rate, given the documented side effects, doesn’t seem like we should propagate wide scale taking of the drug as a prophylactic…but taken like the morning-after pill after exposure or when you start to have symptoms?
Um, as soon as you have a positive diagnosis! Specifically for anyone in a risk group.