
Episode-90- The Veterans Day Show — 5 Comments

  1. Thanks for doing this show Jack. I was just telling my fiance and her sister how important Veteran’s Day is and how it applies to anyone who served in uniform. I’m a combat veteran but I’ll take issue with anyone who disrespects those who served in a non combat role as “not a real veteran.”

  2. Great show, Jack.
    My Pop was a veteran of Vietnam and I can’t even begin to tell you how awful he was treated when he came home. Spit on, called all kinds of names, cursed at, just awful treatment.
    I look at every veteran with the most humble appreciation for their sacrifice.
    And I hope and pray that the people of the United States will realize that these men and women are there to fight for them.
    To all the members of the Armed Forces,both active and retired, Thank You.

  3. Jack,
    My mass transit buddy recommended your podcast to me. Wow, what a find!
    Thanks for this special Veterans Day post. I really appreciate your comments. The one that hit home was your comment that the look in a Veteran’s face was because of the thought, “someone deserves it more.” Oh so true! That is exactly what I think when someone even mentions my service. Thanks again for all you do.