The PermaEthos Farm Model
As I said on the air today, we have a new model for the PemaEthos project. PermaEthos started with a dream of a libertarian style community based on Permaculture Ethics. 80-120 families living together on a piece of land, sharing responsibilities and resources in voluntary association. A farm community hybrid, where each member had a small plot of land but a huge portion of the land was to be community owned and managed.
It is a great idea, it is something we will do, some day but not for now. The cost burden is too high, the ability of government to interfere is too high and our experience is to low in dealing with these barriers. Further we have no track record to present in dealing with the government types we will have to deal with to make this happen.
I just published a one hour audio presentation at the PermaEthos blog on the new project that outlines exactly where we are going. To hear it visit
Please post all questions on the PermaEthos blog not here. Again I want as much TSP involvement with PermaEthos as possible but I also have promised not to make TSP an infomercial for PermaEthos.
Question for Jack or whoever. What was the law that was passed about being able to solicit loans/crowdfund/etc that he talked about during today’s first hour? I keep thinking of buying a business but find such a market more receptive than the banks. (I’ve been an underwriter, I KNOW!)
You should try and secure some land on an Indian Reservation. Not sure if a tribe would even offer, but you never know.
My wife is a CPA here in Texas and is very interested. I emailed you her contact info last night.