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Dan Tanner
16 years ago

Great job on this podcast. It really doles out alot of common sense stuff. Who knew I was a Libertarian all along? =-o

16 years ago

I am a libertarian as well, but I am worried about what you say about immigrants. Firstly, you say that America should be “one land, one culture” and that if immigrants come to America they must speak English. This is not libertarian. Libertarianism gives individuals freedom to do whatever they want so long as it does not harm others. Speaking another language does not reasonably harm anyone. If language is only to be English, then only Government can enforce this and therefore Government must regulate English. This will lead to a violation of freedom of speech. The same applies to culture. Many free individuals in a capitalism system inevitably create a heterogeneity of culture, e.g. jazz culture, car culture, gay culture, etc. Monoculture requires Government regulation of culture, e.g. what we see in China, i.e. Internet censorship, oppression of Falon Gong, etc.

The standard libertarian position on immigration is to give no welfare to anyone (natives or immigrants) and to open the border to anyone.

16 years ago

The English language comes from many other languages like Latin, Ancient Greek, Anglo Saxon, French, etc.

Legal texts can be laden with Latin and Greek terms to the extent that lay English speakers cannot understand it and need tax accountants and lawyers for translation. In academia, law, and medicine, Latin was originally the official language. Do you think this was preferable?

America has no official language. English is a de facto standard. Government setting an official language is central planning, i.e. communism.

Tactical Badger
Tactical Badger
16 years ago

Excellent!! Just excellent!

Really great stuff. And just plain common sense.

16 years ago

I’ve been downloading all of your podcasts and reading your website. This one was by far the best I’ve heard so far. I think Papermucil misconstrued some of it, because everything you said revolves around personal freedom and personal responsibility.

Hiker in Carolina
Hiker in Carolina
14 years ago

Just got turned on to your podcasts by a like minded friend. I am in the process of listening to them from the start and loving the valuable background and information! I particularly liked this one as this subject has been on my mind for some time now and I definitely lean heavily Libertarian. Really enjoying these podcasts… Thanks.