The Lines are Open and the Council Awaits Questions
Folks a quick announcement that at this point I am pretty much out of questions for call in shows and Expert Council Q&A. This is your opportunity to get your questions and comments on the air.
For expert council questions, visit our Meet the Expert Council Page to see all the members of our amazing council. Then send your question in an email to me at jack at with TSPC Expert in the subject line. In the body of the email tell me who your question is for, ask your question in one to two sentences, the provide additional details for best chance of inclusion on the show.
To call a question in for a Thursday call in show just dial 866-65-THINK and leave your question for the show. For best results call from a quiet area, make sure you have a few bars on your phone if using a mobile phone. Ask your question or make your statement in one to two sentences first, then provide details.
Its been a long time since the question backlog has been empty, so get your questions in today and we will be happy to get them on the air for you in the coming weeks.