
The Conoy Rolls, Tech Support Closed — 20 Comments

  1. Congrats, God speed, safe travels and thank you for showing the rest of us that this can be done.

  2. Congrats! Good luck with the convoy, and thanks for the recommendations. I will use the down day to catch up and listen to some classics.

  3. Safe trip . . . you are in my thoughts as you travel. We NEED to you back in the saddle!

  4. From our homestead to you and your homestead we hope you will be as happy as you have made us.

  5. Congratulations Jack. Texas is a little poorer and Arkansas is a little richer.I’m happy for you. No one deserves it more for your hard work and efforts bringing us the podcast.

    Be safe and smooth roads.

  6. What the hell’s a conoy? Seriously though, can’t wait for the next episode from Hot Springs! God Bless!

  7. Travel well Jack and family (pets included)

    You have made YOUR dream come true to show us how it IS possible to have the cake and eat it.

    Blessing on you all and your house.

    Craig Emmerick
    From South Africa