Episode-1473- The Thanksgiving Special for 2014
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Note – You can get a full transcript of the original portion of this show here. Many families read this and the Christmas show as part of their holidays.
Today one day before the great American Holiday we stop and pause to think about what we have to be thankful for.
The beginning of today’s show is new, most of it is rebroadcast of the first year I did this show.
The beauty of this show is I feel it is something you can share with friends and family. The real history of Thanksgiving is actually a lot more interesting and special then many of the myths.
Tune in today to hear…
- How thankful I am for all that has happened so far in 2014
- Why much of what we learn about Thanksgiving is wrong or at least inaccurate
- How Thanksgiving was at one time considered a “damn yankee holiday”
- How Thanksgiving became a way for our nation to heal and reunite
- How the date of Thanksgiving has often been moved around and why
- The truth about those big buckles the pilgrims wore and all that black clothing
- What feasting meant 100 years ago to our prior generation that we have forgotten
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
I am thankful for the fact that with the support of my wife I was able to triple my income by making the sacrifice of working in the road. With a one year sacrifice my house hold will have all my consumer debt paid off and my current house. In the next seven months I will be able to move into a new house that I can urban homestead.
I am especially thankful that my wife that grew up in a culture that agriculture was the lowest form of living has turned militant about growing her own food.
Way to go, John! Keep it up. That year will pass quickly. Certainly, all worthy of giving thanks!
Hi All,
This will sound corny but…. I’m thankful for every step and misstep that has brought me to the place and person I am today. I was talking with my son-in-law earlier today about just this topic. He was talking about a less than ideal life growing up. To which I said “well… it has brought you to this point in time and to who you are right now. I think you turned out OK…”
So these things and the important people in my life are what I’m thankful for!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season.
Listened and enjoyed the rebroadcast for at least the second time. Never change the “classic” portion. Thanks for what you do. I don’t agree with all, but appreciate all. Blessings to all of our community.
I know this isn’t pertinent to this podcast, but is there any update on the possible Mini Workshop in December?