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Kern Lunde
Kern Lunde
10 years ago

Wow, this is a no-brainer! I’m in! Looking forward to hearing more details when I get off work and can listen to the episode!

10 years ago

The pebble beat the veronica mars kickstarter by almost twice as much. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597507018/pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android

Glen Tate
Glen Tate
10 years ago

Thanks, Jack! What a great interview.

10 years ago

I already set my pre-sale pledge. You may want to split it up so it is not radio buttons. I would be in for 2 DVD and 1 Blue ray. I guess it depends on where the kick starter comes in.

I’d be willing to through some cash at this project to get it off the ground.

10 years ago

Great interview! In a way I see this book series becoming iconic like the “Little House on the Prairie” series. Maybe your cabin will be a historical spot someday. Never underestimate small beginnings..

Backwoods Engineer
10 years ago

1. I’m in for the DVD.
2. Great interview, as usual.
3. What? No new book?

10 years ago

I think the food/travel show your thinking of is Anthony Bourdain and the country was Haiti. Not that it matters to the point you were making, but I watch both of those shows and I remember that one as well.

10 years ago

I can’t find the kick starter :/ I thought the way it was raked about it had already started. Jack, please mention on intro when it launches so I can help fund. Great interview as always 🙂

10 years ago

Oh dude if you’re in this film Jack I’m buying it, haven’t read the books yet but I’m putting them on my Amazon wish list for sure 🙂

10 years ago

“Talked” not “raked”. Sorry first post 🙁

10 years ago

Forget the movie!! Make a dramatic audiobook version instead. Hey it’s a LOT less expensive, it’ll contain nearly every word that’s in the books and it wont be another “B” movie made for DVD that people will forget in less than 2 months! A dramatic audiobook would have different character voices, music, special sound effects, and with the money you’ll save you’ll be able to afford decent production. Personally, I’d prefer LISTEN to these books while I’m driving, mowing, walking or just sitting outside at night, and letting my imagination fill in the visuals.
That’s my opinion.

Mark Norman
Mark Norman
10 years ago

The word Glenn was looking for in place of de-maled was emasculated.

10 years ago

Great job on the interview! Glen, thanks for your continued efforts (battle) on the front line in Libville. You have inspired me enough to not use an alias, and I decided to post externally to make my statement publicly heard and for the benefit of TSP audience:
Please do not confuse Olympia, Seattle, King county or anything west of -121 deg latitude as an accurate description of the other half of the state.


10 years ago

You SHOULD care more about things that are closer to you, than those that are further away.

There is a dual strategy used to weaken the individual. First, get everyone to worry about shit that is totally outside their circle of influence.. and second make the discussion about ABSTRACTIONS.

We need to do x.. think of ‘the children’.

You, as an individual, can’t DO anything about ‘the children’. Frankly you probably can’t even conceive of what your first action step would be to effect the plight of the children.. so the only option you have.. if you care about the children (and what kind of MONSTER wouldn’t!) is to rubber stamp the state agenda.

The opposite of this:
What can I DO to ensure my son John receives a GOOD education? (or is FED healthy food.. or receives adequate shelter).

By moving the focus back to YOUR FAMILY (or your neighborhood) you are now EMPOWERED to effect your areas of concern (the welfare of your family, neighborhood, etc.).. and by doing so to effect every ‘higher level’ of your concern (state, nation, world).

If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

You can not outsource responsibility.

10 years ago

Great show! i will definitely be supporting the kickstarter.

bloody rich
bloody rich
10 years ago

the stories of standing up for the right thing, i was riding the subway here in nyc once, and an obviously crazy guy was rubbing himself, and he started to walk over to a women reading a book. she was oblivious, but i was not the only one who saw this. Well, she didn’t move away as he stood right in front of her, so i finally stood up, and yelled, with the deepest voice i could “YO – WHAT THE F… DO YOU THINK YOU ARE F’ING DOING!!” and I stared right at him… he backed down, took his hands out of his pants & left the car. no one else did anything. I am not tough. I was scared as he was somewhat crazy, but he knew what he was doing. & he knew he had to move on. courage isn’t when you’re not scared, its doing the right thing even when you are

10 years ago

Where is the video ?

10 years ago

The first J.C. bomb i’ve ever heard Jack drop.

10 years ago

purely an observation. nothing to get over.

10 years ago

Just became a backer. Good luck!

10 years ago

Did not like the series after book 4. It feels like a 3 book series that was stretched into 10. Had to put book 5 down halfway through. If the movie does happen, I hope for a complete rewrite to make it watchable. Sorry guys but the Holding Their Own series was a much better read and story line.