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Aaron H
Aaron H
7 years ago

https://youtu.be/rV7WF5VVwuo?list=RDfDYK2H0ldbo for a funny Casey Kasem radio rant. (I first heard it on the Howard Stern show).

Great show today Jack and Bennett. As a veteran, I am honored to know there are people like this looking out for veterans!

7 years ago

Does Bennett devote any of his time to lobbying against the shameful act of the US state sending young men across the world to murder poor people trying to defend their on homelands with huge risk of getting killed or injured themselves. Lets make a world without war and make veterens history.

7 years ago

I Jack, I take your point, there is a lot of good in someone who tries to help damaged vets, many who blindly stumbled into the army for one reason or another to end up as the pawns for rich business men who want to control other nations. I also agree that many vets may have done great work on these missions but they could easily have been forced to murder inocent people. For example the hundreds of thousands of people who died in iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia etc can not all have been bad people but many may have become crazy extremest and bad people after the US invasion destabilised their countries and destroyed their livelihoods and bombed their towns and cities etc. I see things from the view that prevention is better than cure and that the best prevention is education of the younger generation of the through horror which joining the army can lead to. I see the celebration of veterans especialy by governments or even by anyone as something which tends to intentionally or untentionably glorify armies and glorify war and thereby plays a part in wrongly influncing the next generation of young men to want to join armies and war and that makes me sad. I thing Vets shold be honoured for what they truly were, young misinformed men who made a bad dicision, a sort of gamble which could have worked out good or bad for them but either way was a bad dicision. I think the biggest value and focus of Vets should be to guide young men to avoid the army and see guns as somethin to hunt food with not to murder people with just because some politican says they are the enemy. Myself I was influenced by the film Gandi, the early version. It completly changed destroyed my earlier hollywood view of soldiers as heroes after which I saw soldiers who join the armies of any powerful country as sort of young zombies who did not think deep enough for themselves about the consequences of their dicision to join up. When my time came I refused to sign up and emigrated, not out of fear of fighting to defend but as a dicision that I was never going to be put in a position where I would be asked to murder on the order of a government or rich businessman. I knew in making that dicision I was throwing away the chance of a good apprenticeship. I know many who made the same decision and have not regretted it. No offence meant to any Vets I am only trying to put my view across, we all have different views from our different experiences of life.

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Just an after thought, the question I should have been asking is, Does there exist any organization in the US or any where in the world whose purpose is to educate young men to avoid joining the army where the army of their country has a history of offensively invading other countries especialy remote week poorer countries thousands of miles away. Does anyone know if the government state schools broach this subject or do they just play a part in indoctrinating children into seeing glory in offensive armies and war. If so then I can certainly see the value in home schooling.
The Survival podcast completly revolutionized by thinking from dependability to self sufficientcy, after a few episodes, maybe even one young American boy will read my posts hear and it may change his mind about joining the army. That would be a a reward in itself.

7 years ago

Great show. I was in the army reserves and by the grace of GOD and the prayers of my mother was never deployed or placed in Harms way. I have traveled all over the world in the Petro industry in a non combat role. I have seen first hand what poor is. I saw what made their country poor happening in our country now. It even seems to be exponentially happening as the years go on. I woke up about 9 years ago and started thinking about this.

I never really knew what to do until I spent 3weeks in KSA last November before the election. I went almost crazy trying to get ready to give my mind some level of comfort. I found this community here a few months ago. What an elixir for my mind this has been. I am now learning what to do and how to do it on a common sense level. Thanks for doing what you do. Also Thanks to Bennett Tanton for what he does. Also thanks for digitally slapping that negative poster degrading the military.

7 years ago

Hi, I think you misunderstood what I was saying in origional post.

I did not criticize Bennett for his great work, I simply enquired if he puts any of his effort into trying to prevent the root cause of the problem. Bennett reminds me of the great Mother Theresa of Calcutta who spent her life helping victims of poverty which was great honerable work, but she did not put any effort into addressing the root causes such as corruption and gross inequality and in some ways she might have even helped maintain the problem by her work acting as a sort of release valve which prevented the corruption structure from blowing apart.

The ethos of the wonderful Survival Podcast is to not depend on government or state to fix ones own problems or problems of community or nation because the government is the problem.
Rather the message is that we should fix them ourselves for if things get bad or even if they don’t.

Well the current state of the army as a private army for the oil billionaires to invade and grab the resources of weaker distant nations by invading them and installing local dictators is not noble.
If young people were educated about this then they would not be as quick to sign up and this in my view would bring the role of the army into debate and reform to be what it should be, a defensive army.
What if the oil billionaires and their greasy politicians organized a war but no people turned up to fight it, Just saying.

Note that I have not criticized, insulted or used swear words against anyone ( other than oil billionaires, politicians and government)

Funny I had originally only posted a short simple question, Jack read much deeper into it and his replies, even if a bit negative have opened my mind to things I otherwise would not have thought of.
Thank you for reading this.

7 years ago

Hi, Jack, Thank you for replying on this subject which has been a big part of my life for so long.
My father and grandfather were Vets, both were injured and my mother and us had to pick up the pieces.

We did not have a hero like Bennett to help us.
My grandfather was blind from WW2.
I have spent my life persuading young people I meet in life to not join the army and have succeeded with some.

I also refused to sign up and paid a price for that decision. My biggest goal in life has always been to try to unbrainwah people about politics from what the corporate media tells them about the world and the excuses for invasions and I do it every day.
That role is to me what the Survival Podcast us to you.

Well those are the things I have been doing outside of my work.

Perhaps we could email on this subject privately some time, I think arguing publickly about something which I think deep down we both probably mostly agree on is not ideal for the Survival Podcast.

Again thank you for producing this wonderful, useful and entertaining podcast.

7 years ago

Can’t wait to listen. Bennett thanks for your continued service to our brothers and sisters.

For those in the NW I’ve heard great things about the growingveterans.org farm in WA. Their model could be followed in other areas.