Taking the Day Off The Survival Podcast Posted on June 4, 2018 by Modern SurvivalJune 4, 2018 I am not feeling well, don’t worry I am fine, just not up to getting a show done today. TSP will return tomorrow.
Hey Jack, Take the time off, get better. Thanks for all that you do, call it a “Taking a Me day”. Regards,
Take care. It’s odd when your favorite podcaster isn’t posting at least a rewind and you think “is Jack ok?”
Feel better buddy!
Dude you rarely (if ever) have taken a “sick day”. It would be weird if anyone even complains
Hey Jack,
Take the time off, get better.
Thanks for all that you do, call it a “Taking a Me day”.
Feel better.
Take a day for you brother! 🙂
Take care. It’s odd when your favorite podcaster isn’t posting at least a rewind and you think “is Jack ok?”
Some think it kooky, but it’s great to listen to your body! Get well!