Episode-338- Global Economics and Food Shortages
Today it is time for a change up. We are going to look at 8 news stories some here in the US and others around the world and see what they tell us about what we can expect to see … Continue reading →
Today it is time for a change up. We are going to look at 8 news stories some here in the US and others around the world and see what they tell us about what we can expect to see … Continue reading →
I am once again in the home studio today and decided to go into some of your more detailed emails that simply can’t be read on the road. Today we discuss economics, politics, debt, generators, changes people are making in … Continue reading →
After being preempted by the weather yesterday we are doing today’s show on listener questions. Tune in today as we answer questions about surplus firearms, buying land, keeping and investing in silver, potential bank runs, alcohol as a gas and … Continue reading →
Today on the Survival Podcast we discuss listener questions about subjects like, economy, federal reserve, guns, bob, economics, business, solar transportation methods and more. I would like to continue doing this type of show often so if you want to … Continue reading →
Today’s we take a look at what we can learn from primitative societies that used shells as a form of currency. Today’s show notes are brief due to massive delays in my morning commute cause by flooding, survival podcasting indeed.
Continue reading →I was all prepared to go back to solid “preparations” topics but questions have continued to flow in about the 700 Billion Dollar Bail Out and what it will mean, how it will work and where the money will come … Continue reading →
I have been getting a lot of questions about the new 700 Billion Dollar bail out so I took today’s show to answer these questions and comment on them. Turn in today to hear about… How this government bail out … Continue reading →
I have been getting a lot of emails from people that are “freaking out” about the new developments in the economy, the 700 Billion dollar bailout and general break down of our economic system. This is not the time to … Continue reading →
Today we will discuss the continuing financial mess and in particular the AIG “bail out”. We will start out with a lie that has NOTHING to do with the financial market to simply demonstrate how lies often “hide” in plain … Continue reading →
The origins of the Federal Reserve and death of the gold standard on American currency and true cause of the American Revolution are the subjects of today’s show. Tune in today to learn… The real cause of the American Revolution … Continue reading →