
Episode-111- Listener Questions for 12-18-08 — 9 Comments

  1. You mentioned storing water in milk jugs, which does work, but I have found that pop bottles such as 2 liters or smaller are far more durable and do not have the very fragile handle which seems to break very easilly.

  2. To that young couple I would also add…Now is a great time to educate yourselves. Read…take free classes like “CERT”. Take first aid classes, The Library has free books to read. The more you store between your ears is paving a way to freedom. Make your plans for when things are better financially.
    And who knows…gaining this education may put you in a position to increase your income abilities.

  3. Jared,

    That is a great tip, we don’t really drink much soda (I buy a bit in cans for the kiddo but that is about it) so I really don’t have them around but yea they are more durable that is for sure.

    I may have to have some of my family save some for me, I am sure they will just roll their eyes, the extended family does not prep (I bet they hit our door fast though if TSHTF). I bet I could put a lot more total water in the bottom of the deep freeze with those too. Again great idea.

    Susan, excellent addition to the young couple. I am sure they will be grateful for it.

  4. Another great way to store water is with mylar bags. You can purchase bags and boxes to put them in relatively cheap. (Around $5-6 for bag and box).

    The bags hold about five gallons of water each. Put into the box they are 40 pounds and have a convenient spigot.

    The mylar bags are a good choice for longterm storage because they don’t allow light to reach the water. Light will allow bacteria to grow.

    When using milk jugs or pop bottles you will need to rotate the water occasionally. I think it was suggested to rotate it every 6 months. Of course adding some bleach will help but the less light the better.

  5. water in cleaned 2 liter bottles or old Gatorade gallon jugs work very well.

    I also reuse old plastic coffee cans for beans, flour,etc and even frozen soup stock in the deep freeze etc.

  6. on the lighter side.. As we found out last summer and it has been on the law books many years but it is illegal to collect rainwater in Colorado. The rain droppings belongs to the state and are their property not yours.

  7. Jack:

    I really like these listener comment shows. I like the variety and the short topics. I can pick up several tips on several topics in one show. Obviously some topics require a whole show but I like the variety.

  8. I don’t have a link handy, but a number of emergency orgs have advised against using any container that has had protein (milk or juice being the common source) in it due to the issues with protien embedding into the plastic and then leaching back into the water and providing a support system for bacteria growth.

    My solution has been to take the distilled water jugs that my work throws away and fill them with tap water. They go up in the attic space and are contained with 2×4’s for eathquake safety.