
Episode-191- Survival Reaction Mentality — 58 Comments

  1. Jack the thing that does make me think is that i work in a tourist town people come from everywhere.The employees all agree the best thing to do is washing hands and keeping things clean.I also stopped eating at buffets this just might be a good ideal because there is still that person who will not get a clean plate and that makes me think just a bit.

  2. @Dan, Agreed on those counts, the problem with this strain of H1N1 thus far to me is we have not had enough cases yet in the US. I know what am I saying right? What I mean is it is currently an unknown quantity on how lethal it is. By the time 1000 people get it in the US if only a small handful of weak, young and old die like any flu that will be the end of the hysteria.

    It currently looks like this flu is more MILD then the normal flu we had this winter but since it is so new I think that is the real fear generator.

    This is interesting reading it is about the 07-08 flu season. In response to how many deaths there were, the short answer is they have no flippin idea because most flu deaths are about more then just flu. Yet you watch we will count every “confirmed death” from this thing.

    They will leave out things like the person being immune compromised, strung out on drugs, actually being an illegal alien from Mexico, etc.

  3. I saw an interesting political cartoon yesterday showing ‘Death’ (the guy in the dark robe with a scythe) with a label naming him ‘regular influenza’. Looking at the reports of a tens to hundreds dying due to swine flu saying “Pushaw! I kill Thousands every year”. We have recently gotten to ‘level 5’ and its still not really an issue. It could reach level 6 which is an actual ‘Pandemic’, and it won’t actually BE an issue… the flu is pretty annoying (your in bed feeling achey and miserable, like everyone else who gets it) and can be dangerous to certain people. But honestly its going to be more annoying than dangerous.

    Some places might have reduced workers and so we will have to be a little more understandable with the lack of actual service we are attempting to get from them, some places might close up for a few days to a week at most, if they just do not have enough people to run the office while the workers get over the flu, and generally it will only be annoying.

    Some non perishable stuff might be delayed, as some truckers/warehouse workers get over the flu, but it won’t be terrible. At the very very most there might be a benefit to take a simple retail holiday for a few days, don’t worry about stuff you can wait on for a few days, and just take care of an family members if they need to recover or just spend time with them and be a family and try and not stress out about it all.

  4. Jack that is a shocking statement.That most flu deaths are not lab confirmed.Very interesting website.

  5. I went to the doctor with a respitory infection on tuesday, I wasn’t even tested (swabbed) for swine flu. But I am doing much better, I had been treating myself holistacly and when I got a mild fever after 4 days I decided I needed some anti-biotics, just in case.

    On situational awareness and instictive reflex, I recommend befor you write you book, you study close quarter combat. Krav Maga is probably the best developed by the israelies. I am luck enough to have a Israelie instuctor 4miles from me in Saginaw, tx.

    There is a couple of good books I found on amazon as well.

  6. Maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight but I don’t believe the Feds are telling the people the whole truth about the swine flu. I can’t trust B.O. and the idiot from Delaware to tell us what’s really going on.

  7. @Glen,

    Yep way to tight! You said you can trust them then you say you can’t, typo I am sure but that is common when foil cuts off blood flow.

    All kidding aside I don’t trust the government at all and in this case I expect and am seeing incompetence. They are not trying to get you, take off the hat and enjoy a massive show of government officials trying to look important and not let a crisis (even a over hyped phony one) go to waste.

  8. I always go by the teory if I don’t matter they don’t care, so most people are pretty safe, there are 300 million cattle roaming the range, and you are a damn site unlucky if they zero in on you.

    My advice, don’t matter, take self defence, storable foods gas masks, guns, and the most import thing is to get to know your local small time gun shop owners personallt. Buy you stuff from them, bring them a cup of coffe, get to know them. Mostpeople suck up to ricj golk, I suck up to my local gun shop owner.

  9. Jack:

    Your statement about “they didn’t even tell Bloomberg about the photo op with AF1” absolutely proves the fact that dot gov in incapable of any conspiracy. We might not be getting every shred of truth about what has been going in this week with the dreaded pig flu, but that does not mean there is an evil cabal running the show behind the scenes.

    The online world is going completely nuts over this fanning the already out of control flames that the media is pouring gasoline on.

    I was perusing another prep board a while ago and started to correct some blatantly false info being posted and reeled back saying to myself, “these people are ecstatic with their delusions – why ruin the fantasy for them”.

    Even Chinamart was out of handzitizer (hand sanitizer – my 4yo’s pronunciation is better) when I went to check on ammo today.

    I hope this calms down a bit and someone in dot gov reins in the crazy talk for a few days before the country collectively jumps off a cliff.

    Great show BTW. Thanks for what you do.

  10. @Equus Pallidus

    As to your Krav Maga suggestion I have studied various martial arts though out my life and while useful they have their limits as to how useful they are to the average person. MMA is cool but it has made many very confused about the reality of street combat. There is also a huge difference between an elite Israeli commando and the average Joe, even one that trains hard.

    The type of situational awareness I spoke of today is really not about combat at all, it is more about paying attention and trusting your instinct. Archery hunters are very acute at this type of awareness. It is seldom that a deer approaches and you are not aware of it before you see or hear it. There is an innate portion of the human being that “knows” when you are in danger or when there is an opportunity. One need not become a martial artist to connect with it, all we need to do is learn to listen.

    I hope that makes sense, I am not discounting you view of the arts, in fact, I share it. I am simply pointing to another way to understand something and a way that many people who would never care to train in a martial art can still benefit from.

  11. No offense taken, whenever you think I am full of shit call me on it.

    Nt nly do I do Archery, but I do traditional archery. So I know what you mean I ain’t into the compund or sites, I am an istinctive shooter in the tradition of fred asbell. Got no ue for sites they only get in the way a a difficult shot. But I wouldn’t dismiss close quarter combat, it may save your life some day. After all we are prepers, not hoarders.

    We all prep in many ways, i just try to cover the bases.

    Question: Do you think the plebes will actually ever shoot at their masters? I was on my way to work today and a police car passed me, and “Protect and Serve” was replaced with “Zero Tolerance.” I plan on calling the police department about that later.

  12. I guess this where you ban me, but I have been watching this no knock warrent long enough, but if some is not civilized enought to knock on my door an show me a warrent, I got a lot more fire power than tjhey do, and a dog that can smell them coming. I believe no knock warents are unconstitutional (which anyone that can read knows) And if they want me to pile up dead bodies at the door before they kill me then so be it.

  13. Equuas first on your comment, “Some people talk, some people do, we need both.” As one gentlemen to another shove that comment up your ass. Seriously you are full of yourself, I and most of this community do more then you know. You are not better then us, you are also not as smart and as informed about the insider knowledge as you think.

    Second on your comment, “I guess this where you ban me” not yet, not until you cross the line to illegal activity but you are close there. I ain’t about to allow anyone into my home with out a warrant either but statements like you just made are a great way to have said warrant issued and have a nice man from the government with one in his hand show up. You may want to think before you go down in print record in the future.

    There is a myth that I am a censorship nazi, I am not. There are comments I don’t allow they are generally incoherent ramblings that can’t be understood, include true “hate speech” or condone illegal activity. You are getting VERY close to condoning illegal activity.

    I also don’t allow “personal attacks”, you might think me telling you to shove a comment up your ass was a personal attack. It was not, it was a response to a personal attack. You really have shown everyone watching how full of yourself you are, of course I will allow that to be seen by any that choose to read it.

  14. Hey Jack, Enjoyed the show today (laughed out loud when you said you wanted to hack up a storm in Starbucks to see the people freak!). Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that my initial “mommy” reaction to the flu was to hide out! I even bought 3 boxes of masks online just in case. They were a really good price though :o) My neighbors kids just had their father come visit from S. Texas where he works construction with a lot of illegals. I didn’t freak out, I let me kids play with them. If they get sick we will nurse them back to health just like with any sickness. Will it suck? Yep! But I believe they will get over it and be just fine. If we have to be quarantined then so be it. This is what we have been preparing for all along. No worries here. By the way, I listen to you as I walk in the evenings and as you were talking to situational awareness I was not paying attention to my surroundings at all and huge black snake slithered across my path! I was alert after that ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. @Kristen, sounds like you are taking things the right way. I also am happy that you listen to me while walking in the evenings but stay alert as well. Always be ready for danger or opportunity, stay aware and you stay safe.

  16. Interesting, I don’t think it is me that is full of ones self, the mirror ight be a good palce to start.

    The man who is going to run away when things get tough dares to lecture me. So be it. There is nothing wrong with talking I do it all the time, and why you took offense to it is your buisness. But in the trenchenches, the talkers run away, the doers stay and fight.
    And how dare you threaten me with a police raid because you didn’t like what I said. They ain’t coming for me, they are coming for you.

    When old men and women can stand down the BATF and make them negotiate (WACO), you know they ain’t got much, Don’t you understand that the Police have families, the military have families, whose side do you think they will align with? Not you. Pick a side. Running away isn’t a side.

  17. “There is a myth that I am a censorship nazi, I am not.”

    No. He’s not. In fact, Jack has a habit of tightening MY leash when people like you show up on the forum, and I’m harmless (mostly). Okay maybe not harmless, but you get the picture. ๐Ÿ˜€


    “Some people talk, some people do, we need both.”

    I disagree. We need people who do, and then teach others how to do. We don’t need people who talk to hear themselves. Seems to me like you fit in the latter category. Furthermore, for somebody who is so against “talking”, and so for “doing”, you’re making an awful lot of noise, and not producing a damn thing worthwhile.

    Just my buck-oh-five.

  18. “The man who is going to run away when things get tough dares to lecture me.”

    Now THAT is rich. You – a nobody who is providing nothing to anybody – are accusing an army veteran who is providing a survival podcast to the public and a survival/prep forum for FREE of running when things get tough. *LMAO*

    Boy, you are delusional. Seriously.

  19. I guess I am supposed to feel guilty now? I got nothing against Jack, but let me tell you running away from problems is not in my vocabulary, we are different. I figure those who run are cowards and those who stand and fight are patriots. I am old fashion.

  20. Explain to me just exactly how Jack is running away from problems? He’s prepping for the bad times, protecting his family, he’s already served his country in the military and now serves it as a survival and prep expert. He works full time, as well as providing how-to videos, and articles, and interviews, and forum posts, he’s married, has an almost grown son… Yeah.. None of these things equal “running away from problems”. Every single one of them equates with Jack being a stand-up guy who has stood up to fight every single god damned time there has been a fight thrown his way.

    So what, now you want him to make STUPID decisions and get killed in the process, so that his wife is without a husband, his boy is without a papa, and we are without a podcast? You can kindly fuck off now.

  21. I agree that the media play up the flu issue (as well as anything else) to jack up the rateings – “Tune in to our broadcasts so that we can save you” “Don’t even miss one broadcast”. (Well, alrighty then!)

    No, I don’t think that the flu is as bad as they are saying. For some, yes, of course, but not for the general public. But we should still try to avoid contamination and spreading it.

    As for your question – I think BOTH would (could) be “healthy”. The need for planning (prepping) is definately important to avoid situations and/or to find ways around problems. But, God gave us instinct for a reason. Preservation.

    We have brains and instinct to protect us and others. We need to use both.

  22. Remember Sister Wolf how all the supposed experts said I was a fool when I went public in the news with who I am and what I do. Told people I prep and “now they know”, etc.

    My bet is Equus would have been happy to join that bandwagon, I notice he is one of those types that doesn’t use his real name, hides behind the net, etc.

    Funny to think that that type of man calls someone like myself a person that “runs away”, I get bored with Internet warriors and this one here has about bored me senseless.

    Those people in Waco by the way Equus were nuts! Acting like nuts got them killed I do think the government was wrong and really screwed up and should be held accountable. Yet what really got those people killed was believing in a man and thinking he was God.

  23. “Sis Wolf, you are about to learn a valuable lesson. Good night.”

    That sounds like a threat to me. I suggest you convince me otherwise.

  24. Remember Sister Wolf how all the supposed experts said I was a fool when I went public in the news with who I am and what I do. Told people I prep and โ€œnow they knowโ€, etc.

    My bet is Equus would have been happy to join that bandwagon, I notice he is one of those types that doesnโ€™t use his real name, hides behind the net, etc.

    Indeed. *sighs and shakes my head*

  25. Equus that was a threat in my book I suggest you clarify quickly before you have real problems headed your way. You will need to contact me directly I am locking the comments here.

  26. All, Equus Pallidus has told me exactly who he is, given me his address and phone number (though I already knew, there is no real way to hide who you are online folks). Equus Pallidus has shown he is not someone that will hide who he is I was wrong about that and I admit it. I won’t make his name known though here. It is not necessary for me to do that he has proven he is happy to go on record with who he is and may still do so if he wishes, I won’t do it for him, that would not be ethical, given the circumstances.

    Further he clarified his comment was not a threat, that is in the form of that reality would teach Sis Wolf a lesson, he is entitled to said opinion, but trust me Sis and TW are more then prepared.

    @Equus Pallidus you are free now to continue with your comments, I do suggest though you think before you do so, read before you submit. Some of what you said may attract the type of attention none of us want. I am also totally f-ing tired of you saying I hide and run away. I don’t know what the hell you base that on, please don’t put words in my mouth.

  27. Further he clarified his comment was not a threat, that is in the form of that reality would teach Sis Wolf a lesson, he is entitled to said opinion, but trust me Sis and TW are more then prepared.

    *nods* Wellll… I s’poze if reality is gonna teach me a lesson, then so be it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the confidence, Jack. Means lots to me. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Are we about up for a “comm” podcast? I’m starting to itch for one.

  28. You just said you had a place to buggout to. That is all I base it on. I said we are different. I am staying, I have a place (360 ac) up on the red river, miles from civilization i could go, but I choose not to.

  29. Equus Pallidus said:

    โ€œSis Wolf, you are about to learn a valuable lesson. Good night.โ€

    How very nice of you to offer a lesson to Sister Wolf, she really likes lessons, her favorite is Science, although Math and English would be ok I think. I myself like History. So if you don’t mind I think I will sit in, and you can teach us both. I look forward to it.

    The Wilderness

  30. Bugging out is not “running away” it is improving your odds of survival when it is warranted. Such as when weather dictates it.

    Ever hear Ron White? “Its not that the wind is blowing, it is what the wind is blowing, if you have yield sign in your spleen you ain’t gonna make it no matter how many sit ups you can do”.

    If the shit really hits and you want to hang out in suburban Fort Worth go ahead those that do not are “hiding” they are following their plan. I have been around prepping a big part of my life you are the first person to say a person that chooses to go to a fall back position when that is the stronger position is a coward.

    Hope you are stocked up on foil,

  31. The founding fathers pinned the second amendment so the masses could protect themselves from a tyrannical government. They just never dreamed it could come from a tyranny of incompetence.

  32. Jack

    I will die right here, that\’s my choice. I hate the city, i was born and raised in the country, but I feel that I do a great diservice not to fight. I will fight. I am not afraid to die, you have seen my name sake on my blog and I mean it. If there is enough of us there won\’t be any of them left. I stand at my post, God put me here for a reason.

    an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? … Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956,

    You have your part, there is no glory in dying, it is my choice.

  33. And folks above is exactly what happens to people that listen to Alex Jones with out enough breaks in between. Wow, open up the rubber room, we found another one.

  34. Oh Equus, serious question. Do you know HOW we won the American Revolution? The only glory in war is when it is over, the glory is in victory.

  35. We won unconventionally, Washington lost more battles than he Won. Yeah I know how and why we won. We were the vigulent, not the strong. We would not be chained, and some great men pledged their fortunes, honor an life. Everyone who signed the Declaration were targeted for death. But they said no!, No More! This is our ground, we stand upon it, let them try to take it. They were men, real men.

    “Oh Equus, serious question. Do you know HOW we won the American Revolution? The only glory in war is when it is over, the glory is in victory.”

    Dying for liberty is not in vain wheter one is victorious or not, there is no glory in war, nor in victoryu, there is only history and the future, What future do you want?

  36. Actually, a lot of it was guerrilla warfare. We would strike, and then run away to regroup somewhere safe. The cowards. ๐Ÿ˜€

  37. “We were the vigulent, not the strong.”


    Learn or at least make an effort to properly spell simple words when attempting to make a point while amongst the well-meaning membership of The Survival Podcast.


    You don’t have to be on top of spelling and grammar all the time, but come on…

    My head hurts reading your responses.

  38. “Dying for liberty is not in vain wheter one is victorious or not, there is no glory in war, nor in victoryu, there is only history and the future, What future do you want?”

    Paraphrasing Patton: “The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.”

    Aside to Jack – I’ll have to get around to sending you my info later for the MSP, I’ve been swamped at work.

  39. Sister Wolf you are SO right. In fact, that technique tends to drive the enemy NUTS! Keeps them guessing.

    Attack and run (regroup), then hit them from another direction.

    A “battle” is not won on manpower or firearms alone. Brains are needed as well. Blindly rushing in can get one killed, then how can they do what is needed to protect others. How can they defeat the enemy?

  40. How very nice of you to offer a lesson to Sister Wolf, she really likes lessons, her favorite is Science, although Math and English would be ok I think. I myself like History. So if you donโ€™t mind I think I will sit in, and you can teach us both. I look forward to it.

    lmao! I love my husband! ๐Ÿ˜€

  41. “โ€œWe were the vigulent, not the strong.โ€


    Learn or at least make an effort to properly spell simple words when attempting to make a point while amongst the well-meaning membership of The Survival Podcast.


    We will see how well spelling and grammar helps you when TSHTF?

  42. Swanson:

    By the way “amongst” is below standard, it should be “among”, this is a more proper grammatical use.


    Spelling is part of grammar and therefore redundant. Redundancy is bad grammar. Some of you people?

    Grammar police squad

  43. Equus Pallidus needs to study the Revolutionary War. Sister Wolf is dead on with the tactics. Here in SC the battle of Cowpens, the patriots would shoot at the British officers, then run away over a hill. The British would march over the top of that hill and the Patriots would shoot at the officers again. Shooting at officers was considered cowardly by the British, but it works. Thats why we dont salute our officers on the battle field today.
    Our tactics were considered “cowardly” by the British, but who won??????????
    Equus Pallidus needs a lesson in tactics from somebody who does not were a tin foil hat.
    Sister Wolf knows what she is talking about!

  44. @Bob

    Cool how informed listeners such as you, sis wolf and others here are isn’t it?

    The reality is you guys are right but you don’t realize how right you are. The entire American Revolution was about running away. One of the most decisive “battles” of the war was nothing but running away.

    Gen. Nathanael Greene, Washington’s most able and trusted General, Greene used a strategy of rallying popular support and wearing down the British by leading Gen. Cornwallis on a six month chase through the back woods of South Carolina into North Carolina into Virginia then back into North Carolina. The British, low on supplies, are forced to steal from any Americans they encounter, thus enraging them.

    And in history it is those who “ran away” who won. Why they don’t run away they “fall back” to a position of strength and then fight the war on their terms, the don’t stand and die.

    In WWII the Russians “ran away” stretched the German lines and then decimated them to where going to the eastern front was considered a death sentence.

    Right now we are having massive problems in Afghanistan because our enemy ran away and is using this strategy on us. This is exactly what they did to the Russians. This is why I think we are making some really big mistakes there right now. Those that don’t learn from history…….

  45. Bob I forgot more about the revolutionary war than you will probably ever know. Nothing says you can’t use the same tactics from whereever you are. And if you had any reading comprehension skills, you would have noticed that I told Jack they won the war by unconvetional methods. 4th generation warfare if you will.

  46. Since this thread has turned into a beat up EP thread, I won\’t be responding any moe. I have been attacked on grammar and my knowlege of the RW. You guys have no idea what you are talking about anyway, most of you would cry like little babies if you had been where I been and been what I been through, with the possible exception of Jack who is ex military.

  47. @Equus,

    You also called all of us that would choose that tactic (in an awful time should it ever come) that we are cowards.

    Your understanding of that war is not what anyone is questioning, it is your inconsistency. Was not Washington a hero?

    Further you came off with your bullshit comment about talking, your hero Patrick Henry was really mostly a talker and a writer, he didn’t actually do much in the sense that people like Washington, Jackson, Greene did. This again is what happens when you believe to much in the concept of “they are out to get me”, your own consistency and judgment of others breaks down.

  48. Equus, about half may be more of my listeners are former military, you again don’t know as much as you think you do. Further no one is “beating you up” you are experiencing simple Karma, you are being answered in the same tone as you are talking to others in.

  49. Whatever Jack, since it is you I will respond, I said we need both talkers a doers. Good day.

    Was all that grammatically correct?

    This is your place, MY blog is by Parick Henry, get it?

  50. One thing I will say it is kind of useless to attack a person’s grammar and spelling, God knows I won’t give the number of errors I make.

  51. Few of us know for sure what we would do in certain situations. We know what we HOPE that we would be able to do.

    Some have the training to make a better run at it and hopefully we can learn from them if it ever came to that.

    Preparation is the key. (learn, practice, share.)

  52. There probably won’t be any response, but I find it extremely interesting that the one who “forgot” more about the American Revolution than any of us cowards seems to think that it began in 1776. I wonder what the men women and children who were shot at Lexington and Concord would say to that?

    To Sister Wolf: Right on! Have a cool one, and maybe some dark chocolate! ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. dudekrtr:

    Why don\’t you click on my name and take a look at my blog before making such an assanine statement.

    I notice that these little blogs, not size, always turn into a popularity contest. People I ain’t popular, neither am I nice, talking about me, only takes away from anything of real interest. Now dipChit click opn my name at the top of the post.