
Episode-2238- Surf Fishing and Sanibel Island AAR — 8 Comments

  1. Great show! It’s been way too long since I last surf fished and I’m only an hour away! I cut my childhood teeth (and kneecaps) fishing the jetties of Galveston and Freeport and the 61st street pier. Saltwater fishing always has the best Adrenalin rush since you never know what you’ll pull up out of the surf!

    Would love to find some other TSPrs in SE TX who would want to go in on a guided bay trip or
    Air B&B close to good surf fishing!

  2. sir welcome back from a much deserved vacation.

    While i haven’t had time to listen  just reading the synopsis making me think of back in school when you got to tell what i did over my summer vacation.  But  this is the adult version much better

  3. Jack, it’s a ways back but in #250 You said you couldn’t buy biltong. I’m sure someone brought this to your attention but there is this place called the biltongbar if you can deal with the hipster crowd. For any listeners in the Atlanta area that might want to check it out.

  4. I haven’t surf fished in years but I would always spend a while walking down the beach looking for those cuts in the bars and the darker deeper holes behind the bars.  Fish the down current edges of the cuts and thoroughly fish the holes.  I’ve caught a bunch of redfish and trout in the surf doing this.  I don’t really care about which tide but I want moving water.  I never have any luck on the slack tides.

    I usually used a 1/4 oz jig head with a Gulp shrimp with a slow jigging action letting it pause for a few seconds on the bottom.  For pompano, a 1/2 oz Nylure jig (chrome chartreuse/red) tipped with a sand flea, either some that I dug or the Gulp artificials, with a veRRRRRy slow steady retrieve.

    For tackle, a 7′ medium weight fast action spinning rod and braid with about a 3′ section of high quality fluorocarbon tied to the braid with a double uni-knot.  20# floro unless their are toothy critters when I use 30.  No wire, no swivels.  Cut bait or shrimp go straight on the jig head.  Yes I loose some Spanish every now and then but catch rate is higher.

    Don’t ever try out a St Croix rod,  your wife and the wives of your buddies will be mad at you for the hundreds of dollars you guys spend replacing your rods.  Yes they are that good, the increase in sensitivity over most other rods is astounding.

    If you run your hand up the back of those hard heads with the dorsal spine between your index and pointer fingers and hold the pectoral spines with your thumb and other two fingers, you can safely control the fish to get it off.

    Vinegar works pretty well for jellyfish stings.

    Jack, if you are ever looking for a change of pace for your vacation, check out the N Fl gulf coast around St George Island, Cape San Blas and Mexico Beach.  That area is very laid back and quiet with prettier beaches than Sanibel in my opinion and better fishing.  Nathan at Robinson Brothers Guide Service is the Man.


  5. Love this episode and Sanibel. Jackaranda was/ is?  a nice bar. Noseeums got us a few times in July 1995 so bad we could not venture out at dusk.  Loved shelling at the end there where the bridge is. I spent 75% of my time underwater.  The female I was with at that time did not like fishing one bit so I missed out there that time.   Found bigger shells at Bowmans Beach (no one there!!)_Did catch a lot of strange stuff off of the catwalks near Fiesta key back 1974-77 down on the keys during the winter. We used live shrimp and about every 10 min. one of us would have something on. Good times!! WOnder why I never moved down?? Life got in the way I guess. Now I am in DC dealing with this chaos and listening to podcasts of others ^ becoming  “Walter Mitty” in a way. Thanks for another great episode and sharing your insights!!~~