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12 years ago

“The right to keep and bare arms” is what you need to put on the tank top.

Jeff Sims
Jeff Sims
12 years ago

Superb design! I am going to order one this week. Very well done!

12 years ago

Very cool. Can’t wait to wear it.

12 years ago

Sweet! Pre-ordered one.

12 years ago

My girlfriend wants to wear it in the nude!!!!

looks good…..

12 years ago

Just my two cents. I would love to see one of the firearms in here be the original musket used in the Revolution. Since I consider the AR15 to be the new age musket, the tie to our history would be pretty profound.

Max Burton
Max Burton
12 years ago
Reply to  Dan

The only problem with using the Musket would be it’s size. The AR is a lot shorter so you would have to scale down the musket or scale up the AR. It might not look right. Other than that it’s a good idea!

12 years ago

To bad you don’t have a spare tire cover for my Jeep with the logo on or maybe a licence plate. Awsome design!

12 years ago

Can we order from Canada?

shawn Holman
shawn Holman
12 years ago

I love it and would wear it proudly

shawn Holman
shawn Holman
12 years ago

Would like to share on fb but how can I with no link???

12 years ago

Don’t take this the wrong way. I would like to have this shirt without the website address on it. Survivalism is still a controvercial word. I would like to use the T-shirts to attract and then introduce the Survival Podcast if they show interest. As it is, people will see “Survival” and invalidate the message of being a Sentinel.

12 years ago
Reply to  PrepperJim

It has a Spartan helm, an “assault rifle” and that scary 2A quote on it. The diversity loving, open minded people that want to force homogeneous liberal lifestyles and thoughts on everybody will already be offended by the time they get to the bottom of the shirt.

Max Burton
Max Burton
12 years ago

Hi Jack,

I have an idea for the TSP Gear shop. Make custom AR parts with either one of those designs with Laser Engraving. You could do Ejection port covers, Trigger Guards, Charging handle latch, Stock Levers, and so much more. I think it would be sweet to deck out an AR with TSP stuff. I did up one of my AR’s with a Don’t Tread on Me theme. I bought the stuff from http://www.ndzperformance.com. If you decide that it’s a good idea and don’t have a suppler in mind maybe they can do it for you. Just a thought. Thanks for all you do Jack!

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago
Reply to  Max Burton

+1 on this idea, Max. The ejection port cover is a perfect candidate for this.

12 years ago

Thanks for the +1. I would buy one in a heart beat if Jack did that. (Max – eaglesteel)

12 years ago

A clean design considering all that is packed in there. I especially like the use of the headphones pocast dude below the Spartan helmet. The web address is a must. This is exactly what will lead people to reasonable dialogue. If someone is dimissive of the “survival” in the show title, then that is absolutely their problem. Potentially a big problem for them. Nice job.

TSP Gear Shop
12 years ago

@Call – Yes we will ship to Canada. $5.00 shipping per item. Free shipping in the States.

Phil H
12 years ago

Living in a Australia where it is a crime to carry *any* weapon for self-defence (including things that police construe could be a weapon, such as a screw driver!) you Americans should get behind this campaign 100%. Don’t think for one second that the people that want to ban “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines will be satisfied if such restrictions are passed – complete disarmament is the end goal.

Raymond "Shorty" Butler
Raymond "Shorty" Butler
12 years ago

I fully stand behind the mighty 2nd and plan to order2 as soon as 1 February 2013 rolls around, from here on timing is very important.

12 years ago

I ordered one. I hope to be able to order several but gotta see how the fit is.
Great design!

12 years ago

Hey Jack

As a supporter of strict gun control measures, I realize I’m in the minority here on this site. But I think the shirt is designed well.

And outside of the advocacy for guns, I’m a big fan and supporter of your show.

Proud Californian

Nate (flippydidit)
12 years ago


As a supporter of stricter Californian control measures I give you two thumbs up on the shirt. My order will go in shortly.

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago

Nate, you crack me up!

Your offer to come down and do some shooting and putter around with the cooling system still good?

Nate (flippydidit)
12 years ago

Of course it’s still good. I’m hoping to find out about the insulated container today. Otherwise I’m going to have to bite the bullet and just get a standard one. I think I’m still leaning toward the ammonia version. Mostly because of the hazmat issue, and the ability to generate a lower temperature. What’s your thought?

12 years ago

I want to send one to Obama, Pelosi, and Feinstein!

12 years ago

Love the T-shirt design. Well done!

12 years ago

Awesome design for the T-Shirt.

Can you share the breast area logo in hi-res to use it as wallpaper?