Summer Sale on MSB – Discount Code – HOTJULY
Join the MSB Today and Get 20 Dollars Off Your First Year with Discount Code hotjuly
Hey guys and gals, it is Jack and I am about to leave for a week and a half on vacation. To keep things rolling while I am gone, I decided to run a sale. From now until July 19th you can get your first year of MSB for only 30 dollars. To get this rate just go to this link and use discount code hotjuly during sign up.
You can of course use the code to join by mail if you pay by cash or check. This discount doesn’t apply to those paying with silver as the silver option is already stupid cheap.
You can Join the MSB at the Members Page
Remember to Use Discount Code hotjuly to get 20 dollars off your first year.
I mean if you want to talk about value just look at all the partners I have arranged discounts for you with as an MSB member.
- Safe Castle Royal
- Western Botanicals
- Alerts USA
- Old Grouch’s Military Surplus
- The Berkey Guy
- Backwoods Home Magazine
- Black Belt Magazine
- High Mowing Organic Seeds
- The Victory Seed Company
- The Soil Cube
- Alerts USA
- Paladin Press
- NoDak Arms
- JM Bullion
- The Permaculture Woodshop
- Doctors Nutrition
- Hawk Ammo
- Two Timbers Display Cases
- Luke Callahan’s Guide to MicroGreens
- Hidden Truck Box
- Lenwood Leather
- Andrew McKnight
- Pretty Loaded
- Iron Edison Batteries
- Bob Wells Nursery
- Tactical Wood Gas
- EcoSents
- Conflicted the Game
- Infidel Body Armor
- Primal Power
- Simply Cleansing
- Progressive Gardens
- Progress Earth
- TN Tactical Supply
- Dark Angel Medical
- Mai Thai Coffee
- Darby Simpson Consulting
- TSP Gear Shop
- Black Dragon Tactical
- Doom and Bloom
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Mil Surp
- 180 Tack
- Terroir Seeds
- The Olive Basket, LLC
- Marsh Creek Farmstead
As you can see I work very hard to insure there is a tremendous value to the MSB and I keep working to increase the value for my members. In the end it is also a way you can help support the show. Most members find their memberships profitable even at the full price.
At 30 dollars for your first year that works out to only 12.5 cents an episode to support the show.
You can Join the MSB at the Members Page
P.S. – If you order using the mail in form, BE VERY SURE TO PRINT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS CLEARLY on the form it is the one piece of data we absolutely need to set up your membership and make sure you get your log in details.
P.P.S. – Keep a look out for another post soon. I will be announcing a new discount partner, and two new awesome discounted products from two existing partners later today.
If I wasn’t already a lifetime member I’d jump on this. Like many other listeners, you have inspired me into action. Life changing action. Thanks, Jack!!
Jack, I kid you not… I just renewed my MSB membership a day before this came out. lol, talk about ones timing! Oh well, its still worth it to me to support your effort. Have a great vacation! 🙂
The last time I ordered ammo from, there was no place to enter the discount code. There was a space for a coupon, but it wouldn’t accept the discount code…
@Gordie If you enter the code in the “Click Here If You Have A Store Credit Code”, area it works.