Get a Virtual Pass to the Self Reliance Festival
I have heard from a lot of you that are like, “man I wish I could make it to Camden, TN for the Self Reliance Festival, but I just can’t. Well Nicole Sauce and John Willis have teamed up to give you a second option. That option is a virtual pass to the event. All the presentations steamed live and the opportunity to interact with us form your own home. Of course you will also have lifetime access to all the videos and presentation in an archive.
The Self Reliance Festival is going LIVE on October 1st and 2nd
It features world-renowned experts in food production, self-defense, community building, health, entrepreneurship, taxes, and modern survivalism.
Throughout the festival you’ll discover:
- How to grow nutrient-dense food WITHOUT soil
- The secrets of a 60-year-old homesteading and prepping grandmother who reveals how to survive, take care of yourself, and enjoy life in old age
- The #1 way to raise healthy, delicious meat that anyone can do with a small space (hint: it’s not beef, pigs, or goats)
- How to deal with a medical emergency when you don’t have access to a doctor
- Simple ways to become (and stay) physically fit and healthy enough to survive any scenario when SHTF
- A powerful gardening method for growing tons of food in any soil, any climate, with minimal weeds and less disease
- A quick and dirty plan for anyone with a business to shred their tax bill every year
- Tactical grappling training with firearms and knives to ensure you survive deadly encounters
- Canning tutorial for storing pounds of fresh food for YEARS
And MUCH more!
If you want to come in person you can learn how to do that here, if you simply can’t make the trip this time, get a virtual pass.