Spring Sale on MSB – Discount Code is “spring14”
Spring has officially sprung, at least in the south so I decided to run a spring MSB sale. With this sale you can get your first year of TSP Members Brigade for the next ten days for only 30 Dollars, which is a savings of 40%. Use discount code “spring14″ to get your first year for only 30 dollars.
This sale runs until midnight on Sunday the 20th and as usual I will not offer the discount after the sale closes. This is a great discount on an already great product.
You can learn more and join the MSB Here. Those who wish to pay by mail can just write the discount code on the mail in form. Those paying by silver will receive 2 extra months (14 vs 12) instead of a direct discount.
Yes you can pay for multiple years if you pay by cash, check or silver and apply the discount to every year. If you pay online you can’t use this code to renew early, sorry it creates a logistical nightmare to do that. Let me just say in the words from the Electric Company song on PBS when I was a kid, “I would if I could, but I can’t so I won’t, please forgive me if I don’t.”
That said if you currently have an expired membership, you can use this code to add a new subscription to your old account. Just log in to the MSB, you will see a link saying your account has expired. Use the code “spring14” during renewal and select MSB 12 Month Renew as your term of membership.
Let me just close with, while the MSB is already a great value, when I return from vacation later this month I am launching a full on summer time blitz to gain new discount vendors. The value of the MSB will definitely go up in 2014 a great deal, so if you have been thinking about it, now may be a great time to get in on a great deal and help support the work we do at TSP at the same time.
HI Jack – Have you talked to Northern Brewer about a discount program yet? I know several of us have hit them up abut the idea. I know your busy, so I just wanted to ping you about it again. Thanks!
I appreciate the discounts, but don’t feel right taking advantage. Everything you do and offer through your show and website are worth WAY more than you already charge. I’d gladly pay 10x your current rate, and certainly can’t justify a 40% discount.
Nice promotion and I’d love to take advantage of it but it says the coupon is expired.
Technology is a pain in the ass at times, I fixed it and it will work now.
Hi Jack,
I currently pay monthly. Is this just for new and expired accounts.
Yes new and expired only but you could
1. Cancel renewal on your monthly
2. Email me and ask me to manually expire your current term
3. Renew for a full year with the discount
I can’t manually do that for everyone but you asked nicely so, ;>)
Thanks Jack for offering to do that for me. I will just keep it like it is for now. I would feel like I was taken advantage if I did that plus I am super happy with the great information I get for such a small amount of money.