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8 years ago

Man that’s a sweet deal!

8 years ago

I am a knife dummy. Can someone tell me what one would use this knife for? I’m sensing that this is a really good deal, but I’m not sure how to use it.

Modern Survival
8 years ago
Reply to  Riflewoman

I am just not sure how to answer this question, it is a knife you use it like a knife. It is meant to be worn on your neck so it is always handy.

Patrick Roehrman
8 years ago
Reply to  Riflewoman

My wife wears one all the time and uses it for opening packages, food prep, trimming strings…. When you have a knife handy you find all minds of uses for it, then you wonder how you ever lived without one. Same goes for a flashlight. Guys at work use to give me a hard time for carrying one during the day but the next thing you know they was always wanting to barrow mine ?

8 years ago
Reply to  Riflewoman

Oh OK! Thank you. The only time I ever use knives is for food prep, and it didn’t look like that kind of knife. You’re probably right Patrick – I’m sure I could find all kinds of uses for it if I had it with me all the time!

8 years ago

Jack what is the MSB discount code? I didn’t see it when I logged in to the MSB area. Thanks!

Modern Survival
8 years ago
Reply to  David

Well given it is being sold by TSP Gear, the code you want is for TSP Gear.

John M
John M
8 years ago
Reply to  David

Hello David. Did you find a way to get your MSB discount? I am having the same problem. This is my first try at ordering anything using my MSB membership and I can’t seem to get any discount unless I need to enter a promotional code, which I don’t know.

Modern Survival
8 years ago
Reply to  John M

Okay again, this discount is offered by TSP Gear not MT Knives so you use their discount code. To do this….

One log into the MSB at http://www.survivalpodcast.net/amember/login.php

Two click on Benefits after you log in

Three there is a list of all the discounters click on TSP Gear it will jump to the blurb about TSP Gear, that will give you the code.

Tip – if you are having a hard time finding something on any web page, type control F it will open a search box, start typing the word you want and it will make it easier to find.