Special from MT Knives – Genesis II
TSP Gear Shop has been working with MT Knives to bring you a special edition knife featuring the TSP Logo for only $99.00. This is an amazing opportunity for TSP listeners! Artisinal knife crafters MT Knives produce impeccable, custom-made blades. For a limited time, TSP listeners can purchase a MT Knife of their very own, customized with the TSP logo you love! MT Knives has a limited quantity of knives, made to suit the TSP listener.
For the next week we will be taking orders for this special knife. The Genesis II knife will then be etched with the MT Knives logo on one side, and the TSP logo on the other. Knives should be ready to ship in 4-6 weeks. Visit TSP Gear today to find out additional details and place your order. Remember MSB Members can take 10% Off, and all orders Ship for Free!
Note from MT Knives owner Patrick Roehrman: “Due to such a high demand for custom knives, and wanting to provide as many people as possible with the best cutting performance that money can buy, I have put together a small, light weight, minimalist design that will give you the best cutting performance for a price all can afford. If you want to experience an edge that will perform like nothing you have used before, at a fraction of the cost of a custom knife, or if you want something to hold you over while you wait for your custom knife, this is the knife for you! This knife is 100% American made, and its quality is not to be rivaled.”
Man that’s a sweet deal!
I am a knife dummy. Can someone tell me what one would use this knife for? I’m sensing that this is a really good deal, but I’m not sure how to use it.
I am just not sure how to answer this question, it is a knife you use it like a knife. It is meant to be worn on your neck so it is always handy.
My wife wears one all the time and uses it for opening packages, food prep, trimming strings…. When you have a knife handy you find all minds of uses for it, then you wonder how you ever lived without one. Same goes for a flashlight. Guys at work use to give me a hard time for carrying one during the day but the next thing you know they was always wanting to barrow mine ?
Oh OK! Thank you. The only time I ever use knives is for food prep, and it didn’t look like that kind of knife. You’re probably right Patrick – I’m sure I could find all kinds of uses for it if I had it with me all the time!
Jack what is the MSB discount code? I didn’t see it when I logged in to the MSB area. Thanks!
Well given it is being sold by TSP Gear, the code you want is for TSP Gear.
Hello David. Did you find a way to get your MSB discount? I am having the same problem. This is my first try at ordering anything using my MSB membership and I can’t seem to get any discount unless I need to enter a promotional code, which I don’t know.
Okay again, this discount is offered by TSP Gear not MT Knives so you use their discount code. To do this….
One log into the MSB at http://www.survivalpodcast.net/amember/login.php
Two click on Benefits after you log in
Three there is a list of all the discounters click on TSP Gear it will jump to the blurb about TSP Gear, that will give you the code.
Tip – if you are having a hard time finding something on any web page, type control F it will open a search box, start typing the word you want and it will make it easier to find.