Please Welcome Shawn Mills to the Expert Council
I would like to formally welcome Shawn Mills to the Expert council. While Shawn joined up about a month ago I never formally welcomed him on the site until today. Shawn can answer your questions on off grid living, appropriate technology, and homestead automation design. His primary expertise is in solar thermal, solar photo-voltaic, and rainwater catchment systems and COST EFFECTIVE implementation of those systems. Shawn has been an active member in the TSP Community since 2013.
Shawn has worked in and around the power generation industry since 2000 and decided shortly after the Great Recession to build a lifestyle that was more self-sufficient. He has lived on his off grid homestead with his wife and two children since 2012 utilizing solar pv and rainwater catchment systems he designed and installed himself.
In 2017 Shawn started a consultation company to help others demystify solar and other alternative energy systems and implement them in their own lives. His customers have included new construction projects, remote hunting properties, and exiting homes and outbuildings with a variety of installation types. Shawn’s designs are based on customer’s overall goals and a holistic view of energy use AND cost of implementation where sometimes the “appropriate” answer is generator and gasoline rather than newer and more expensive technology. Check out his website at
P.S. – Remember you can always find all the council members on the Meet the Expert Council Page.
To ask a question of one of our council members, just send an email to me at jack at with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third provide any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.