
Episode-2348- Self Ownership Over Political Activism — 3 Comments

  1. Oh goody. I love these types of shows. I can’t wait to listen then add my own 2 cents after.

    Also, I’ve a plan to use blockchain to get rid of politics as a compulsory funded scheme.

  2. Excellent podcast Jack!! I have shared this around…

    I don’t have any urge to run other people’s lives, I wish they’d just leave me alone to run mine.  🙁

  3. Comment on this episodes history segment…. I happen to live 25 miles to the north of the village the mayflower compact was debated in and I’ve often had a drink and a meal in the pub they used to meet in (Google “the pilgrim farther’s, scrooby, England). The church William Bradford attended is 5 miles to my east. So this made me smile today.