Episode-1895- Developing the Skill of Self Leadership
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Today facebook is ringing out the bells of the end of all as we know it. Half screaming that is Hillary wins WWIII will happen by February and the other half claiming Trump will have a hit squad out knifing Mexican orphans throwing them over the wall.
Sorry guys at my age I have seen all this shit many times before. The surprise to me is how many times I have read the word “leader” and “leadership” in all of this. As in, “the US is in desperate need of a great leader”, that type of thing. As if any of the psychopaths that are fighting for control are worthy of being followed?
So my show will be about leadership today, but now about leading teams, or nations or companies, rather leading only yourself and by doing so your family and your loved ones. Tomorrow you will likely wake up to either President Trump or President Clinton, baring any Bush/Gore type of close call of course. Either way, no matter what you think now, the reality will begin to truly sink in as we move into 2017 and one of these two taking the oath of office.
Sooner or later you will be faced with reality, you are in charge of you, period and you control nothing more than you control yourself, so let’s get a jump start on that today.
Join Me Today As I Discuss…
- What it was like for me as I was building TSP
- The story of the shepherds and driving vs. leading
- The reality that your politicians are not even supposed to be leaders
- The keys to personal leadership
- It all starts with circles of influence vs. concern
- Define the mission
- Set priorities for tasks based on what you like least
- Be passion driven but pragmatic as well
- Find ways to inspire yourself
- Put compromise in your back pocket
- Embrace, hardship and struggle
- When you get to “good enough” go at least a little further
- Don’t try to be anyone else, be who you really are
- Never shift responsibility, never make excuses
- Above all be honest, especially with yourself
- Final Thoughts
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You are an amazing teacher; you have found your mission for sure.
Thanks for this great episode,
Thanks for the tip of the Rob Bob YouTube channel. Its amazing
As I understand the TSP Gear shop as been shut down.
I don’t know where you heard such thing but it is not true. http://www.tspgear.com/
I heard it from kelly at the TSP Gear shop.
The banner at the top says it is shut down =( I only recently found TSP, that is a bummer.
He has been having some health issues, I knew that but didn’t know he shut it down, please note it is temporary.
Holy Jesus, this is undoubtedly one of the best episodes of TSP I’ve ever listened to. Maybe the best of all time. There was so much truth in here, some of it uncomfortable, and it came at such an opportune moment.
Jack — it goes without saying but you have definitely found your true calling with the work you do here. You’ve touched so many lives here and even though you can come off as harsh at times, I know from listening to you for several years now that there is a genuine humility at your core that has helped you grow TSP into the amazing, wonderful thing that it is today.
I know that for me this episode made me look at some things with myself — things that I don’t always like to admit. One being that having grown up without any real struggle in life, I have not dealt well with adversity I have encountered as an adult and have to continually work at getting better at it. Another that although I cannot change certain influences during my formative years that did not encourage good habits our outlooks as an adult, it is ultimately on my to work at them and transcend them. And lastly that the limits on my time and energy (working FT, two young kids at home, a wife who isn’t always enthusiastic about my efforts) can never be used as excuses, but instead need to be approached from a permaculture perspective as something to spur a creative solution.
I could go on and on about this episode, but I’ll leave it at this for now. Thanks so much for putting this out yesterday Jack.
If anyone happens to read these comments looking for inspiration, I got a story similar to Jack’s. I worked in retail for 15 years, and while I initially liked it, I sure grew to hate it. I wanted out. I started something small and part time back in August of 2013, and I loved it. We kept at it through moves and jobs and everything. Then the worst happened. My position was eliminated and I was jobless, but I had a severance. I took that time to not only look for a job, but also to work on my business full time. I grew it from 3k a month in sales to about 20k. It wasn’t enough.
I had to go back to work. So I got a new retail gig in May. From then on out it was hammer down every day. If it was a work day, I got up at six to head to my day job. While I was drinking coffee in the morning I was answering emails. I would come home on my lunch break because once I factored in commute, I had 45 minutes I could work on my gig. I would get home at 6pm dog tired, and I would just keep pushing till lights out at 10pm. There were no days off. If I didn’t work the day job, I worked that long on my gig.
In November, I was in a hotel room in Boston. I was away from my wife, and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I came back from doing my job, stood next to the bed and felt my heart start to race. I collapsed on the bed thinking I was having a heart attack. I laid that way for two hours, largely unable to move. I came home and told my wife I was done. I quit. It’s been a year, and I don’t regret it. That job that nearly killed me was paying me 55k a year. In the last year of self employment I have grossed nearly 120k.
If you want to achieve something. You can do it. The only thing stopping you from living your dreams is your ass, your couch, your TV, and your willingness to tapout before the obstacle does. I lived in hell for 6 months, and I have never been happier I did. Get moving and set yourself free.
Great show. I found a audio book of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People at the archive.org (i guess it is in public domain). The URL:
How I remember this song, 1982. I was living in Cornwall, Ontario. Renting a basement apartment for $100 a month (150 square fee) , broke as piss, could not afford a proper gym membership. There was a guy Rick, who ran a gym in his basement about two blocks away. $25 a month. Cornwall was a mill town, pulp and paper. Domtar, CIL. So you had a bunch of blue collar guys there. I was in college so somewhat of an oddity. Anyway. Rick would have a ‘Beat your best Bench Press night’ every Friday. Being a smaller fella, I could not compete with the bigger guys, but at 19 years of age, I managed to bench press 225 for one rep; I weighed 140lbs at the time. You had a spotter and when Rick verified it he wrote it on a piece of paper attached to the wall in the corner of his basement. If you had a few weeks of no progress Rick would personally be your spotter, encouraging you ( I use that term loosely) to do more. This song was a regular when the guys would lay down on the bench for ‘another attempt’
Jack, with reference to your opening remarks about Americans abdicating the responsibility for personal leadership: I’ve noticed the increasing shift to referring to the President as “Commander in Chief” in non-military contexts. (A particularly glaring example came this week in a story about Obama, as “Commander in Chief,” comforting White House staffers dismayed by the election. Something tells me it wasn’t the Marine guards weeping in the halls.)
The Armed Services of necessity have commanders and thus a Commander in Chief. For civilians to think of a President as their “Commander in Chief” is to say “we need to be told what to do.” Is this shift in language also related to the militarization of police? I’d be interested in what you think.
(Btw, my Dad was a career Army doctor. The difference between civilian and military contexts was very clear to him.)
Great observation Linda!