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13 years ago

Excellent show. This covered a ton of information I’ve been trying to clarify and find. I’ll have to listen to it again to absorb everything that was brought up.


13 years ago

Great Show. I love the idea of giving seeds away. One of the things that we do when I have extra seeds is grow several additional seedlings and then sell them to help pay for our garden that year. We generally give seedlings away to friends and neighbors, but I think after your show today, I will probably expand to associates. Thanks!!!

13 years ago

I wonder if someone could make some small scale money selling extra seeds at a farmers market. I usually only see produce “ready to eat.” What would the restrictions be?

Kevin Yoakum
Kevin Yoakum
13 years ago

Hey Jack,

I commented about yesterdays show that I watched a documentary called Unnatural Slection last night talking about GMO’s. At the end of the movie about 55 minutes of 59. An Indian lady shows off her seed bank and talks about how India used to have over 200,000 varieties of Rice today it’s 265 because of the green revolution. Great topic.


David O.
David O.
13 years ago

Did some research on this and had a few thoughts. Why do you need to kill weeds in Alfalfa? It is a solution without a problem? Then as a farmer, why would I want to buy seed every year for Alfalfa? It’s self seeding with regular alfalfa. Then why would I want to spray Roundup on my soil when it binds with nitorgen in the soil and remains in place? Add on top of this, Roundup is a salt. Sounds like a quick way to make a lifeless sand of my soil.

They, the only thing that is stopping RR Alfalfa from becoming a noxious weed in a farm as a responsbile farmer not allowing more than 10% to go to seed and no cross polinating with other weeds and on the farm. Seems unlikely.

All it would take to ruin a soybean/corn crop in the MidWest is RR Alfalfa and RR Bentgrass to be unleased on the farmland by the stray seeds as the farmer drives his trackor through the fields. Then he will have fiels of bentgrass and alfalfa with corn.

13 years ago

Great show again, Jack! (Hybrid Labradoodles are not evil, hybrid Labradoodles are not evil… lol)

Just curious if you heard Frank Aragona’s last Agroinnovations Podcast. He (and others) are saying we should drop Monsanto’s newspeak label of “GMOs” in favor of calling them “VTGs” (Virulized TransGenics) to more accurately portray the essense of these organisms as the “infected” (and to my mind, “infectious”) strains that they are.

Also wondering what your thoughts are with the info about the letter from the pathologist Professor Emeritus Don Huber to Ag Secretary Tom Visac warning that a new pathogen is apparently already on the scene from these VTGs that could threaten the domestic food supply.


13 years ago

Wow, tons of great info today.

One strategy I don’t know if he mentioned is to plant 3 or 4 seeds in every container or soil cube or whatever you’re using. That way you can take out the weaker plants when they’re a few inches tall, making a first selection and improving your variety and it also covers you if your germination rate is low.

13 years ago

Great show. I had a friend give me her seed bank last fall. The seed packs were at least 10 years old. I planted some of the winter wheat inside last December and it is over 12 inches now. The flowers are also growing.

13 years ago

Awesome show!
This is very important stuff, i hope everyone listens carefully, especially to the part about Spirko variety and breeding our own, most-adapted plants.

13 years ago

I used to subscribe to a mag called Progressive Farmer until they had an issue that was so pro-monsanto that it made me vomit. As I wated fro my subscription to run out, I couldn’t help but notice the series they started back a few issues. Anyway, here is the link to the crops page that mentions ethanol gmo corn and resistant weeds. Sometimes it is good to read the info from the people who actually think this stuff is a good idea.


or this one more specifically on weeds:


David O.
David O.
13 years ago


I nosed around the website…Loved to see that Palmer Amaranth is a major problem for the RR cotton in the southeast. It is naturally resistant to Roundup. Farms just need to see that that should be planting Palmer Amaranth. It can fix a lot of the problems that Roundup does to the soil, and it is natural, and it is a crop. Funny how the Earth fixes things.

By the way…I have bookmarked the sight. They tell everything and are so slanted to production farming they miss the real news.


[…] EDIT: I will document the process once I begin to collect the seeds for saving. In the mean time, here is an excellent podcast that Jack over at The Survival Podcast did… “Episode-614- Seed Saving, Seed Banks & Seed Storage” […]