Save $75 on US Made Tactical Bag
TSP Gear Shop is able to pass along a great deal on a versatile, Made in the USA, backpack from S.O.TECH. Usually, tactical gear from the top US manufacturers is known for two things: 1. You will be able to pass it on to your great grand children. 2. It will be expensive.
These originally sold for $175 plus shipping, but since S.O.TECH was clearing out some overstock, they offered them to TSP Gear Shop for a greatly reduced rate. These are now available to you for only $100.00 each, Free Shipping. MSB Members can take another 10% Off. All bags come with a Free Patch of your choice. Packs are available in Multicam and Coyote Brown. Be sure to check out the detailed videos at TSP Gear Shop
To get one of the last ones available, place your order at TSP Gear Shop. You can also add any other items from the store, and your whole order will ship for free.